Chapter Eighteen; Encounter

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"I knew it was you, you look so different but I will always recognise you!" My mum says, tears is her eyes as she studied my new blue ones, "I'm so glad this nutcase didn't know you." 

"Why would you bring them here mum?" I snap, pushing her back from a hug. "Did you want them too take me again?" 

"Don't be stupid, They told us Stilinski has all of our addresses on his database. He's checking everywhere, they just raided our house before bringing us here as bait for you too come out." She explained clearly, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Well done for remaining calm, they wouldn't of killed me and your father anyway." 

We all sat down on the sofas, making conversation before Braeden grunted unhappily at the empty box of chocolates on the side. 

"Its fine, I need some fresh air anyways. I'll walk to the corner store." I say, brushing off the crumbs of biscuit that had collected on my jeans. Worry flashed across everyones faces in the room but I was quick to console them with, "Its fine Liam didn't recognise me. He's seen me before and he didn't know who I was, I will be completely fine." 

"Take my dagger, just in case. Remember identify weaknesses in the attacker before diving into a fight, if they have a weak knee, strike them there. Got it?" Allison said, pulling the sharp object from her boot before gently placing in-between my hand and hers. 

"I got it." Giving her hand a quick squeeze, I placed the dagger in the inside of my coat pocket and start my journey by trampling all over the door.. that was still on the floor. "If I'm not back in twenty minutes.. well you know." 

"I still think I need to come with you." Allison nagged, getting to her feet.

"Stilinski shot a girl in the head, I don't want it too be you next." I sigh from the doorway, "I'll see you in twenty or less." 


Scouting the isles of the shop, I notice the clerk at the till every now and again stare at me. I didn't take it as any sign of threat maybe he just liked to observe young people in his shops due to the copious amounts of theft or maybe for a stranger he recognised me. 

No, I'm overthinking. I've never seen this man in my life before, hell he won't be able to see past the hair dye and contacts. I smile at his sweetly before gathering all the things I needed, some cookies, a box of chocolates for Braeden and some magazines to keep me occupied for when I'm trapped inside the house. 

"That'll be six dollars please." The clerk said, placing out his hand to take the ten dollar note from me. He didn't stop staring. 

"I'm sorry.." I mutter, "Is there a problem? Something on my face?" He shakes his head so fast it could of flew off his shoulders and went back too scurrying my change from the till. I bid a thank you before exiting the shop and deciding whether or not to stay out a little longer. I mean, looking around these streets barley anyone was wondering, unusual for a rather bright afternoon. I sighed and took a seat on the nearest bench. 

"Didn't anyone warn you these streets are dangerous little girl." A familiar voice made me jump as it abruptly came from silence. My arm flinched so hard that the magazines and chocolates flew everywhere. "Sorry about that love." 

Scott, it was Scott. Politely he bent down too collect all my things before roughly throwing them back onto my lap so I could put them back into there bag. 

"Now, I suggest you start moving if you know what's good for you." Don't speak Lydia, don't say anything he'll recognise your voice. "Get up girl before I carry you myself." 

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