Chapter Twenty Seven: The Not So Likely Deal

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The news spread quick about the current trapped authorities and it was notified too all that one had brought their newborn son too work and it was crucial that he was set free as he wouldn't last as long as the adults. My heart ached, I didn't want any infant too get hurt over this reckless act. 

A week had passed and we were settled into our new base, it was more descrete and deeper into the woods, multiple traps were set out from the border and there was a 24/7 watch set up with rotational people on each job. 

Noah was given a new babysitter almost everyday, one of which included Allison and the others that had come down from Hallows too form an alliance. 

"You haven't heard from my dad have you? I'm becoming a little.. worried." I nestled Noah into his crib and bathed him with a few covers before turning too Allison who was sat quietly sipping some tea. 

"Nobody has seen or heard from him since he left the hospital. Lydia, I'm so sorry about your mum. I should of been here too comfort you instead of picturing you as a traitor. It's my fault all this happened, I dragged you into this life." 

"I'm in it now Ally, there's no going back. So we'll fight it out, together." She gave my hand a squeeze before turning too admire the baby in the crib. "He's a cute one, where did you find him?" 

"It's a long story. I'll tell it too you some other time. Right now I have too go find Stiles, we're working on a plan, some evactuation techniques." I half smiled and readjusted my thin cardigan. "Keep Noah safe, for me. The tot is a main priority." 


A large map lay on Stiles' solid desk as wondering eyes lay upon it. Derek kept a skeptical eye on both me and Stiles, he wouldn't let me into Stiles' office without searching me. He's obviously paranoid I will lash out and kill him for being such a traitor and handing me over too Stiles without negociation. 

"Okay, so. We have mothers and children here right. Innocence. I say, a few at a time go out the back entrance and follow the tracks around the back of the woods, this way they could loop back and head towards here.. Beacons Hills station. If they can't fight, they'll die. So I say we help them flee." I explained, pointing too the relevant places on the map. "For fucks sake even the council put bountys on the childrens heads." 

"It's a good plan." Derek agreed, nodding. "We send some guards, fighters with them. To protect them, make sure they get out of Beacon Hills without trouble." 

We both turned too Stiles, who was running his fingers across the stubble growing on his chin, thinking for himself. 

"I want you too go with them, out of Beacon Hills." He suddenly announced, staring directly at me. "You'll be safer out of here." 

"What?" I scoffed, standing up straight from leaning on the table. "I'm sorry, didn't we just spend weeks arguing over me escaping, on me wanting too leave because you were so overly possessive and now what, you want me gone yourself." 

"I didn't mean it like that, I meant what if you get hurt, what if I can't protect you like I promised I could." 

"Stiles, theres a risk of that either way. I'm staying you can't tell me what too do." 

I could sense that Derek was feeling awkward so I looked at him and then nodded by head toward the door, he glanced between me and Stiles once more before taking the hint and leaving.

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