Chapter Eleven; Dont Tell A Soul

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{authors note; Lucy begged me too update, yes I added the manip above and yes I made it, want more?}


The next morning when I awoke in the cold satin sheets Stiles had placed me in, he was missing from the place beside me. To think after the whole hot tub scenario he'd just leave me without a sign of food anywhere in the bright morning. It wasn't until I heard a soft knock on the door did I fully sit up and awaken. In walked Scott, a tray of breakfast in his hand and a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Still in bed huh.. Can you walk?" He chuckled, finding himself amusing. I crease my eyebrows and reach out for the food he's holding, hearing my stomach grumble. Scott hands me the food and plots himself down next to me. "So, you don't hate him so much after all." Picking up one of the eggs from my plate, I smash it clean on his head watching the yolk turn his hair into a sticky mess. To be quite honest, I thought he'd take it as a joke. Non of the male members of Hallows cared for their hair but my judgments were so wrong on McCall. Grasping my upper arm, he yanked me ferociously from the bed, sending the food everywhere.

"Ow! Scott what the hell!" I was in a plain cinnamon brown vest and a thong. That was all. My face I could tell was pink and radiating heat from embarrassment. "Don't you dare drag me out like this in front of everybody! Stiles won't be pleased with you and you know that." Growling he pulls me close to his body. Resting a hand on my lower back, in a rather awkward position.

"You think he cares for you Lydia? You think you mean something to him, you think he values you? Well your wrong, all wrong sweetheart. Your nothing but a pawn in his game. Stiles can't stick to one girl so if you for a second think you can change him.. you've got another thing coming." After his rant, his grip never left my arm as he swung open the door. At an advantage nobody ever came to this side of the wing. It was stiles' privacy and nobody could intrude without an appointment or well, ya know if you were a girl who was there to please him. I felt used to be completely honest and felt like every word Scott spoke was true. Still dragging me down the corridor I see a familiar face leant against the wall outside of his office.

"Lydia?" Malia questioned, looking down at my pale legs then back up to my face. "Where are your trousers?" All I did was turn and look up at Scott. "Really? Your treating our VIP guest like a cheap hooker whilst looking like an omelette." Malia laughed hitting Scott's eggy hair.

"It's non of your business Mal, now have you made an appointment with Stiles or are you just hear to suck his-"

"Okay! Wow, that escalated. Malia dear, can you maybe fetch me some shorts or something." I ask politely, She nodded before glancing at my legs one more time and setting off on her small mission. I turn to the brown eyed maniac who still had a grip on my hand. "Will you please, just please, let my arm go. Your hurting me." Scott rolls his eyes before releasing it and knocking on the solid door before us.

"Come in." That sacred, rough voice spoke. It made me weak I have to admit. Scott swung the door open with force. As soon as Stiles laid his eyes on Scott. He laughed like Malia did but way louder, like for once he actually had a soul and feelings. It was strange the transition of utter happiness to a displeasing look of anger as Stiles noticed my state, "You walked like that in front of my gang?"

"Well no.. we were just in your wing. Besides I didn't really get a choice. Only Malia saw me tho-" I was cut off by Stiles swiftly sliding over his desk, taking Scott by the collar and slamming him against the wall.

"You dragged a lady out indecently just because she made you look like something that came out of a chickens ass!"

"If it were anyone else you'd of punished em', you hate when people disrespect me. Why should little miss smartypants here get away with it.. was she a good fuck? Huh is that why? You don't wanna scare her away?"

"She's so much more than that to me Scott and you know it-"

The door flew open, Malia stood there red faced and tears swelling in her eyes. She was gripping a pair of joggers tightly before turning to be and throwing them in my face. "You fucked him, you slut!" She squealed. "You promised me, I trusted you and you.. you bitch." She flew at me, arms flaring all over the place. Her sharp acrylic nails almost clawed my cheek before Scott yanked her back onto the floor.

"You know your not supposed to fight for invalid reasons." Stiles muttered, straightening out his collar. The phone on his desk started ringing as we all turned to glance at it. "Excuse me for a moment." Stiles picked up the phone and carefully placed it to his ear, his eyes widening and than narrowing as he receives some sort of information. I stepped closer to Scott and Malia, standing in front of them. Stiles' jaw tightened as we made eye contact. "Thank you for notifying me." He says before ending the call and laying the phone back on the desk. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the edge of the oak surface, turning around to face away from all three of us.

"Stiles, mate what's happened?" Scott's voice became soft, we all knew what was said on that phone call was negative.

"Aiden was found dead, he was shot. They've ran the security cameras.. turns out a team of Hallows were on our past land, a woman, older than the others.. fired the shot that killed him."

"Well did they run a facial recognition?" I asked, biting my lip with nerves. Whoever that group was, they'd probably of been looking for me.

"Natalie Martin." As soon as he said those two words, my heart stopped beating for a moment. Fuck. "She's your mum isn't she baby?"  I was frozen as if my feet were stuck in cement. Speechless, I turned and attempted to leave only to be blocked by a very angry Malia and Scott. "Both of you get out. Me and Lydia need to have a chat." The two grunted and turned, Scott politely held the door open for Malia to exit first before turning and saying,

"Try to not fuck on the desk."

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