Chapter Thirty Six: If I Don't Have A Love, This Life Means Nothing.

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Do you ever get the gut feeling something terrible is about to happen? Something inevitable that wouldn't allow itself to be controlled. Something that would ruin lives. I woke up with one. A deep swelling in the pit of my stomach telling me that today was going to be a bad day. 

"Good morning." I heard a groggy voice come from beside me, as a slow hand began too rub my lower abdomen. "And good morning to you too."  

"Morning." My tone of voice was rather blunt and Stiles picked up on it right away. Rolling up, I slipped my feet into my warm slippers and felt a hand work it's way up and down my back. He was clearly sensing I was tense as I was unable too hide my uneasy feelings under a facade. 

"You okay?" Stiles rolled up too until he was sat beside me and grasped my hand in his. "Lydia, is this about what happened yesterday?" 

"No. Not at all." I rubbed my face with my palms and then reconnected with his hands. "I've just got this sick feeling in my sto-" 

"Is it the baby? Shall I get Scott to call his mum?" 

"No, no! It's not the baby. It's just I have a bad feeling, like maybe something is going too go down today. It's been calm, way too calm and that little blip with the guy yesterday didn't strike a nerve with me whatsoever. So it must be something else." I leant into him and he didn't delay in wrapping me into a hug. "Maybe it's just hormones." 

"Maybe. We'll keep an extra lookout today though, too rest your nerves. I'll up the number of routine checks and guards on our bedroom door." Stiles gave me a quick peck on the lips before jumping up too change into his clothes. "We can also head down to medical. Get someone too check on the baby and also too check too see if Derek has made a recovery." 

"A part of me hopes he has since he took that bullet for me, another... another part of me hopes he hasn't because of his previous traitorous behaviour. Does that make me a bad person?" 

I'd never seen Stiles' head turn around so quick, his hands were cupping my face and thumbs were rubbing my cheeks in comfort, as he was eager too console. He leant down too give me a longing kiss before pulling away again, staring into my eyes. 

"You are one of the purest beings within this base, you still have such an innocence about you. I admire that... I love you for that." 


Allison was cleaning her bow with a wet cloth and some polish when I found her in one of the bathrooms, smiling intently at her work. 

"Morning." I say softly too catch her attention, with my words she eagerly rushes too her feet and elopes me into a hug. "Everything okay?" 

"Yes, everything is fine. I just... if Derek wasn't there -You would- I just-" She tightens her hug and I do too. "You're my best friend Lydia. I've almost lost you too many times but last night was closer than ever before." 

"You're not going to lose me Allison. Come on, the best chef is making me breakfast and I'm starving. Then I was thinking maybe we could go out somewhere." She scoffed at my request and then shook her head with a chuckle. "What?"

"You're crazy, if you think Stiles is going too let you out." 

"What? Why? I thought I could join you guys on patrol today." My heart swelled with disappointment for a moment, pondering on when I'll be able too go outside again. 

Allison didn't answer, she simply linked her arm through mine and we headed too the kitchen where a delightful smell filled my nose. I hummed in satisfaction and decided I argue better on a fuller stomach and if I wanted too convince Stiles too let me go out, I'd have too fill my stomach too the max. 

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