Chapter Twenty Three; My Only Thought Is You

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I couldn't tell the future, I couldn't tell whether or not my mother would pay the price for taking Aidens life. I couldn't tell whether I'd end up being with my family again, happy like we once were but I most certainly couldn't tell whether my future would be with the man who's arms were wrapped around my waist.

The sound of his cute little snores settled my thoughts a little, as a beam of a smile took over my face. As his grip on my hip tightened, I knew he was awakening. 

"What are you still doing awake?" He asked, his voice groggy. I kissed his cheek and rolled onto my other side, facing away from him. "Hey." Stiles scolded, trying too turn me back over. 

"Shh. I'm sleeping." I chuckled, slapping his hand off my backside. 

"Your impossible woman." 

I spent the rest of the night awake, thinking. 


A tray was placed on my lap as I blindly stared at the TV screen, 

"The bridge is behind you Dora! For fucks sake, your like seven and you call yourself an explorer." Throwing a crispy bit of bacon at the screen, Malia crawled into the bed beside me. 

"One of your eyes is bigger than the other." She says, grabbing my chin to face her. 

"Why thank you for pointing out my flaws, muchly appreciated." I snap, pulling my head away too watch Dora the explorer. She tuts before reclaiming my face in her hand. 

"You either smoked some of our good shit or pulled an all nighter." Damn she was good. "So which one is it huh? Did you and Stiles spend the night fooling around or did you find his bud stash?" 

I took a bite of my bacon sandwich and a sip of my orange juice before readjusting myself in bed. I wanted too avoid yet another conversation which involved me ranting too Malia about my deal with Stiles. Feelings dont fade that fast. She'll still like him. 

"I was up all night, tossing and turning. Missing my bed at home." I scoffed more of my food as Malia just nodded her head in agreement, not catching onto my blatant lie. We ended up watching another two episodes of Dora together before she was whisked away for her duties. 

My body still ached and I was struck with pain if any of my movements were too fast or jerky, it sucked not being able too get up and wonder around the place. Though everytime I seemed too leave a room my actions would be questioned. 

The feeling of paranoia lingered in the air, as many faces of the gang were scared I'd make a dash for it again. Leaving them and their boss, dumbfounded and at a loss. 

"Where abouts are you going?" A girl asked, getting close too my face. Her hair was medium length, brown and curled slightly. Her smile wasn't intimidating or kind, it was annoying and highlighted her persistance. 

"For a glass of water." I groaned, with a roll of my eyes. "Mind your own business though." 

"Don't talk back, I'm just doing as I was told." Taking a tight but careful grip too my forearm, she began dragging me. "Let me escort you too the kitchen." 

"I'm sorry sweetheart but would you mind explaining why your giving me the third degree?" I hated when people dragged or grabbed me, so my movement too free myself, caused more pain than what it was worth. 

"If you excape, Stiles will go all doolally. We were at a moment of weakness, weaker than I'd ever seen this place, when you were gone. I'm not going too see my family fall for your selfish actions. Also I'm following Stiles' orders." 

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