Chapter Nineteen; I Knew It Would Come Too This

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Reckless, I was being utterly reckless. I wasn't going to kill myself, I value my precious life so much but they don't need to know that.

"Step any closer to me and I swear to god I'll pull the fucking trigger." I threaten, watching Stiles every now and again try and close the space between us. "I don't want to go back anywhere, not too Void and not even to Hallows. All you do is keep me cooped up, in a small room with a laptop and some notes because all you want me for is my goddamn brain." I cried out a little melodramatically. "Cant you just put down your weapons and not fight. I don't understand why Void was ever created its dumb and it hurts people for no reason." 

"Government taxes became ridiculous, people needed a sanctuary for when they were kicked out of their homes for insufficient funds." Stiles explained, "Void never intentionally meant too start anything this severe until my father became leader. He had a dim and dark way of looking on the situation, so took on protests, riots anything too be heard."

"So why? Why continue.." I ask, finding no common sense within him still going out of his way too 'be heard' "None of the tax shit matters anymore, and everyone is afraid of you, don't you hate that?"

"Rather the opposite." He smirked, holding out his hand. "Now stop being such a stupid bitch and give me the gun." 

"I think you'll come to find I'm far from stupid, isn't that why you want me?" I snapped back, watching his smirk die down a little. "Your smart yourself Stilinski, why don't you figure your own shit out and leave me the hell alone." 

"Leave you alone? After everything we did Lydia." I cringed, was this boy really about to announce our sexual encounters to my family. "If you want me too keep quiet from here, I suggest you hand over the gun, take my hand and follow me back too my car." 

"Oh please, if I shot myself. None of what you would say would matter too my dead body." I wanted too attack him, too claw his eyes out. 

"Fine, if that's the case.." He turns too my mum and dad about to open his mouth before sparing me another glance. "You know, I invited Lydia to bathe with me in our hot tub-" He didn't even have to say anything else, the look of betrayal on my parents face said enough. 

"But I rejected." I quickly intrude, "Stop lying Stilinski." 

"Oh he's lying really? Then what kind of naked party did I walk in on." Scott piped up. 

"You didn't walk in on anything!" 

"I think we all know that Lydia here isn't going to kill herself. So lets make a nice deal, we'll pay off any of Hallows debts, for her." 

Money, he was going to try and buy me. As if Derek would allow this, as the leader of Hallows and a loyal friend too my mother and father he would happily reject the money we would earn back ourselves and keep me, surely. We were all looking at him, Braeden nudging Derek on too rejecting the deal yet Derek didn't say a word, he was thinking about this! 

"Consider it done." Those words broke more than just my heart, my soul also.

"FUCKING PIG!" Allison screamed, throwing herself onto Derek to send them both too the ground. "I'm going to kill you. Take it back, take it back!" 

The gun that was once in my hand, now rested on the floor with all my hopes of finally being able to stay with my family and friends. 

"Shame on you Derek, shame on you." Braeden said, looking utterly disgusted at him. Allison was punching him as hard as she could, and frankly it was amusing too watch such a traitor in pain. 

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