Chapter Thirty Four; Fighter?

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Allison had joined them on the errand run for food and supplies, of course she did. She was one of the bravest and best fighters within this.. combined gang.

It was swell too see the people from both gangs getting along as good as they did, each and every one of them understood the situation we were in. A war really. They had come too terms with the fact the only way we were too survive was if we worked side by side. 

For me especially it was odd, I still remained confused with which gang I stood with. Void or Hallows? If I crossed my fingers maybe it wouldn't matter anymore, maybe they were one now.

"How would you divide this... these supplies? Between us all?" A girl asked, pointing too the clipboards and forms in front of us. She tightened her bun in thought and grabbed a pencil, working out some kind of maths equation. 

"We can't divide the food fairly before we divide us first, we need too seperate everyone. I'd say into different factions. All within the same base of course, the cooks, the guards." I snatched a pencil from the pot in the middle of the table and the girl stared at me with some dismissive stare. "Is something wrong with that idea?" I asked, beginning too sketch my own plan.

"No, It's just, me and my people usually do this." She laughed, giving me a brief once over with her judgmental eyes. "We don't consider fighters smart enough for this kind of ordeal so I'm just surprised your here thats all." 

"What are you talking about? I'm not a fighter."

"Okay, well a lot of people saw you clock a girl in the nose in the hospital." A guy from the end of the table chuckled. Doodling his own design. "I'm sure your only here because your boyfriend wouldn't let you outside." I scoffed at his comment. 

"Wouldn't let me?" I mimicked, "I don't think you're aware of what century we're in."

"What Greg is trying too say, is that maybe you should be back in your room." The blonde bun remarked, glancing between Greg and myself. She caught onto my new look of annoyance and instead redirected her eyes down too her calculations.

"Well sweetheart, what I'm trying to say is maybe you shouldn't run your mouths before you're self aware of who I am. You guys originate from Void right? I wouldn't know because Stiles never got me too work with anybody, figured you guys would be out of work for a while until I struggled too do something by myself which has never happened. Well, I'm Lydia. The one who located your dumb location within ten minutes, the one who locked the police within their station and even freed some prisoners too cause a little chaos." I smiled sweetly, "The one who'll demonstrate how I broke the girls nose within the hospital on one of you. Now shut up and show me your own ideas." 


45 minutes had passed and none of these 'smarty pants' had designed an efficent plan too ration the food we had left. 

"We should just split it between Hallows and Void." Blondy groaned, slamming her head down on the table. Her hair now sprawled messily down her back. "It's the simplest way." 

"Yeah, until one gang recieves more or steals from the other and a war between us again is relit. Next option-"

A brief knock on the door interrupted us from the boring talk and I turned too see none other than Derek Hale stood at the door. 

"You've got too be kidding me-" Derek knew better than too approach me alone. 

"Lydia, hear me out please. We need to talk." He pleaded, holding the door open fully in hope I'd walk out of it with him. "Please." 

"I'm busy." Was all I replied, retaking my seat. I pushed forward my own idea, letting the surrounding faces glance upon it. Most of them nodded their heads in appreciation, apart from Greg and whatever her name was who just grunted. "Don't compete when you don't compare bitch. Now this pregnant gal is going too go find the kitchen again and start organising." Laughing I jumped up and was ready too leave before realising what I'd said. Shit.

"Pregnant?" Derek airly said, "You're pregnant? I'm guessing with Stilinski's baby." I didn't want too even turn and look at his face, I could picture it in my head. 

"I didn't..I mean, it wasn't planned. Nobody was suppose to find out quite yet, You guys have to keep it in this room." Greg laughed at my simple request, sparing a glance at my stomach. "What's so funny?" 

"You're in so position too give us order-" 

"This is Stiles' child, if you don't listen you'll be putting his baby in danger. I wonder how he'll react when I tell him." That shut him up straight away, he sat back at the end of the table and got back too planning with the rest. Everyone seemed to get back too their own business apart from one the girls, who sat smirking and fiddling with the end of her braid. "Problem?" I snapped, she looked up and met my eyes. 

"Well. I'm not part of Void so Stiles isn't my leader, meaning I don't have to take orders from anyone-"

"Come again." Derek stepped forward, folding his arms. "I may have stepped down temporarily but I'm taking back my title of leader. Meaning you have too take my orders, this stays within this room and if I hear chatter. We will discuss the punishment elsewhere and it won't be pretty."


"You didn't have to do that." The tea in my mug was still too hot to drink so I set it on the counter, allowing it too cool. Derek stood leaning against a stool opposite me, taking small sips of his coffee. 

"No I did, I'd do anything too get you to forgive me Lydia. I was thinking selfishly, yet selflessly. For my people. Stiles kept by his promise you see, he paid off all of our debts. He even rewarded us a little extra money too keep Hallows stable." Derek pulled the stool up beside me. Taking my hand within his with a gentle squeeze. "I've lost everybody Lydia and I could never forgive myself if I lost you too. I mean, your mother was the only one who understood and now she's passed. Your father is on the enemy's side. Allison refuses too speak too me and I haven't heard from Braeden." 

"B is probably in hiding elsewhere." I sigh, taking Derek's hand with my other. "I forgive you Derek, we can't hate each other when we're working together, fighting together. We can't beat the enemy if we can't work well beside one another." 

"Thank you Lydia and I really am sorry about your mum. She was a great woman, a caring lady. She really loved you." 

"I know." 

I glanced at my watch. 5:33. In under thirty minutes Stiles should be home, well at least that's what he promised. My heart raced, I was so worried about them. Hell, I was even worried about Scott and even though he cared little about me, I didn't want him dead. 

"Look, I think I'm going too go take a nap. I'm becoming restless about those lot that went out, I can't be getting stressed." 

"Of course not. It won't be good for the baby, I'll visit you later Lyds. We can talk more then."

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