Chapter Twenty Nine; A New Problem

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It was cold in the tent, I didn't know whether it was simply due too a temperature drop, or the fact I had nobody too cuddle. Lydia's absence was becoming a whole new problem for me, maybe she was late back due too the long walk or maybe she got lost? I had mentally fought with myself and the urge too go out looking for her. Maybe she'd think I thought she was weak or unable too take care of herself, or maybe she'd be greatful she had someone too protect her from the darkness. 

"Stiles." I heard a faint voice whisper, footsteps approached the tent as I shot up from my mountain of blankets. "It's me, It's Scott." 

"Scott, what are you doing here- And what's she doing here!" As the tent unzipped, I lay my eyes upon a very angry brunette. "I knew she would break you." 

"Where's Lydia and what have you done too her?" Allison had a gun, the safety was on and it wasn't aimed at me, but it was rested between her hand and knee and it was threatening. "I got an SOS from her." 

"What are you talking about, she didn't make it too the base?" 



I was thrown down in front of a computer as two men stood guard beside me, they hadn't harmed me, just manhandled me a little. It was easy to guess somebody important was going too walk through the door and we would have a lovely chat. 

Just like that, the door clicked open and I snapped my head back too see a tall man adjusting his suite. He winked before walking until he was stood before me, I followed his every move. 

"Lydia Martin. I hope my letter got too you." His lips were pursed and his hands grasped one another, resting just behind his back. "It seems you didn't want too listen too our demands, meaning we had too bring you here-" 

"You told me you were holding my father prisoner, he's working for you, I'm assuming with pretty fine wages. You lied too me." I snapped back, taking in some of his facial features, his over gelled hair, his crooked smile. "Frankly I don't seem too give a damn what your going too say too me, or threaten me with, or offer me. I'm nothing like my father, you won't win me over." I began too nervously pick at my nails when he moved round the table, getting closer too me. 

"You get your ambition from your mother." He took my chin between his thumb and finger, "Also your looks. Your a pretty girl Lydia, I have a son around your age, maybe a couple years older. You might get on well-" 

"We won't." 

"You haven't met him yet."

"If he's anything like you, I can make my own judgement without the face too face introductions." 

It was then he slapped me, hard but swift across the cheek and the side of my bottom lip drawing blood for sure. The action made me feel a little bit sicker than I already felt. Taking a moment too compose myself, I aimed my salvia right at his shoe and spat blood onto it.

"Let me guess, If Stiles was here. My head would be detached from my shoulders, am I right?" 

"What's your point?" I coughed, as he dropped down with a tissue too wipe his shoe. 

"Well he's not here Lydia, but... I do have a solution too our little civil war." He was back onto his feet, standing intimidatingly tall, shadowing me easily. "I have a proposition, if you want me too call of this little man hunt, you have too let the officers go-" 

"Done. I'll do it." 

"Ah ah ah, shhh. You don't know the full deal." He placed a finger on my bloody lip and smiled at himself a little. Clearly admiring his own reflection in my eyes. "You, you have too marry my son." 

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