Chapter Thirteen; Rough But Tough Luck

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My back was arched on the brick wall, my chest just touched Stiles'. His arm leaned over my small frame as he stared down at me, dried blood sat just below his nose.

"I thought maybe we'd just come down here for a chat, but if you want to get physical.. we can." His cold hand brushed the fallen locks back from shoulder. I had to place my bottom lip behind my top teeth in order to hold my shaky breath, he could sense my uneasiness and he fed off my fear.

"Could you maybe back off a little, your a bit close don't ya think." I wanted to push him away, but the smell of him, his scent was enticing. His voice was like a drug and every word he spoke drove me over the edge. 

"I could.. but a part of me thinks you don't really want me too. I understand your pride Lydia." If it were possible, I know he would of stepped closer, but there were no space between us anyway. "Ya know, our little, what did you call it? Mistake? In the hot tub.. it had me thinking, ya know maybe this girl is different from the others, smarter..."

"Where is this going Stilinski?" I pushed, licking my dry lips whilst holding intense eye contact with the caramel eyed boy.

"Well I was just saying, after we fucked.. I thought it would take some time to get back into your pants.. but now I see it's not taken long at all."



"Come on Derek, the map is literally just what we needed since we don't have Lydia. Look, we can search these locations, she has to be somewhere. The telluric currents stop here. They wouldn't of gone off the map. Lydia, the genius, said it herself.. they follow a pattern, it's sneaky and efficient." I was pacing, my thoughts and vision dazed. "We both know Natalie was put on her death bed when she raised the gun to Aiden. Only time will tell and they'll find out and they'll start a war. We can't win, without Lydia!"

"We know that Ally.. we've known that ever since she walked through the door." Isaac placed an arm around me, pulling me tightly into his side.

"I just want to know if she's safe." I breathed, tears stinging my eyes, "That's all I want to know."

"And we will find out, very soon." Derek said, approaching me from the opposite side of his desk. "Besides, I think we all know Stiles has kept her alive. She's not only incredibly intelligent, she's a looker, Stiles has always been weak for the beautiful ones."

In that moment, we all knew a fight was coming and we all knew Void was much more capable of fighting, we were peaceful. We were going to lose.



Surprisingly, it was Lydia who made the first move. Taking his jacket in her fists and ripping it off of his body with the aggression she had built up. He let her, making it easier for her too remove it by lowering his arms. It was a gain for him as much as it was for her. Her vest top was the thing that was thrown onto the ground next, his hands had caught the brim of it and he easily slid it off her small frame. Lydia's back was up against the stone wall, she could feel the skin on it being abused by the harsh surface but she didn't ponder on the pain. Her mind was elsewhere. They didn't think about being interrupted in such an open place instead the only thoughts that ran through their minds were sinful and dirty. Hands entered sacred boundaries, past the point that ripped away every bit of innocence Lydia Martin held. Stiles' lips travelled from hers down to her neck and brutally attacked it with bites and kisses. Trails of dark marks now led down to her collarbone.

Once every bit of clothing were removed from their bodies, Stiles' didn't hesitate on skipping foreplay. He wanted, needed, to be inside of his Lydia. It was the only time he felt the smallest bit of sanity, the only time he ever thought he could get brought to his knees. All by such a small women. His hands gripped the back of her thighs as he hoisted her up, she delicately wrapped her small legs around his waist and repositioned herself so he could easily access her. Submissive, something Lydia had never been in her life. She never thought there would be a day somebody would intimidate or over power her, but here it was, here he was.

The thrusts were slow at first as she adjusted to his size, but quickened as soon as the first moan of satisfaction left her pink lips.

"Oh the many things I could do to you." He growled as she bit lightly on his shoulder to try and contain the noises she wished nobody would ever hear. Everyone would be disappointed in her and she knew that and she would take the consequences as soon as they came. As soon as she came.

AUTHORS NOTE: I really couldn't be bothered in making it extreme smut so here is light smut, and yes there were many innuendoes. Sorry it's a short chapter.

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