Chapter Thirty Eight; Realisation

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(a/n everyone applaud me for forgetting about Noah's existence... lol i had to reread my whole book)


As the nurse continued too operate on Scott, Stiles and Allison restrained Thomas and Owen. I for once was racing too the basement of the bunker, not sure whether or not I should have been happy to hear Noah's cries or in fact scared he may have been hurt. 

His crib was surrounded by onlooking faces, all looking either alarmed yet calming slightly as they turned too see it was me who had entered the room. 

"Is he- Oh my god." My feet had kicked a body on the ground, a girl, around my age. Dead. Her blood covering the crib Noah lay in, and Noah's small frame himself. "Somebody get him into some warm water and wash him with a cloth, as quick as possible. Upstairs has been cleared. It's all safe." 

They moved quickly, one of the grabbing Noah, all sparing pitiful glances at the girls body, she must have been covering Noah's crib. Protecting him. 

"It was him." I turned too a group of girls pointing too a bloodied and beaten male on the floor, "We attacked him as soon as we realised he had a gun, he's not dead. Though he should be for what he has done too Katy." 

"Yes, he shall receive the death penalty. Justice will be served." I felt like I was snarling, as if this man had awoken some kind of rabid wolf inside of me, seeing Noah like this made my maternal instincts insane and I wasn't even his mother. "Everyone clear the room, now." 

They did, following my orders right away. 

Beginning too walk toward him, the girl who spoke before stepped forward holding out an arm for me too stop. I narrowed my eyes, questioning why she would change her mind. 

"I want to do it. Katy was my best friend, this scumbag is my kill. I feel that is the only way I will feel better." She took a deep breath and pulled a switch blade from her boot, why hadn't she used that in defence before? Hmm. 

"What's your name?"  She had turned her back to me when I asked her this, she was the only girl in this room I hadn't been able too put a name too, maybe she originally came from Hallows. I knew less people from there than I did Void.


Even though I was staring at the back of her head, I knew she had fire in her eyes. I would do the same if somebody had hurt Allison. Taken her away from me permanently. Even if that somebody was Stiles. Friendships had always been of more value too me than any kind of relationship. You were lucky too have a boyfriend who doubled as your best friend, they were rare, precious, something too hold onto for life. Though I know, nobody could replace Allison, nobody could even come close to comparing. I could never give another person that amount of trust, especially not after Malia. It was shameful too think there was a moment in my life I trusted her. Her diary broke that trust, after the bullet broke her skull. 

"Please don't kill me, I was only following orders." The man on the floor pleaded. "Orders.. i swear." 

"And those orders were to kill a child? A child you knew we had, how?" I folded my arms as the man took a deep breath. Coughing a little too clear his throat before spitting a little blood onto the ground. "How?" 

"How do you think Lydia? Think about it. Piece it together in your mind. It's a really easy guess." I hated his haunting tone of voice, it was awfully intolerable. I stepped passed Kira, giving him a swift kick to the stomach, he coughed up more blood before laughing. "Why don't you ask Kira here which gang she originated from, maybe it'll help ya?" 

I paused. Thinking. 

It took me under twenty seconds to figure everything out. 

"Hallows." I whispered under my breath. "Shit." 

Snapping out of my thoughtful daze when the man on the floor began chuckling, his head nodding to something behind me. I turned, gasping when the switchblade in Kira's hand had been replaced by a gun. Her aim replaced from the man on the floor too me. 

"That's why you didn't leave the room when I asked everybody too..." 

"I don't follow orders from the leader of Void. I after all am from Hallows. You do remember who originally funded Derek's family too open this gang don't you?" 

"The fucking council, the government." I shook my head, looking down at my shoes. How could we have been so stupid. 

"So don't you think we still work for the government?" She chuckled, mocking my surprised tone. "Everything worked out perfectly for us, Stiles paying the debts off for a simple trade of one dumb bitch, that would be yourself, we weren't in any fucking debt. We just needed a bigger supply of weapons, funded by your puny gang, too end your puny gang." 

"But the shootout. People on your side were shot dead!" 

"All in agreement with Derek, blood needed to be shed, for a unity, a fake one, to be created." The man on the floor was now on his feet. After responding too my statement, he shook his head with a satisfied expression. "Everybody from Hallows- every single member- is in this deal. It's how we have too survive, it's how we will survive."

"Allison? What about Allison?" 

"Allison! Your best friend." Kira scoffed, kicking her heel into the floor. "Of course not, she's practically a member of Void. Following orders from you and Stiles, making moon eyes at his best friend Scott. That bitch is going too die with you." 



William and Owen were tied too two chairs, backs too one another. I had left Lydia's father with the nurse who had been joined by her team again, they were patching him back up. I knew Lydia wouldn't be able too function if she lost her only parent left. 

Allison was pacing the room, scuffing her arrow heads with a scalpel too sharpen them. 

"How in the hell did you find us?" I squatted down too the level of the chairs, glancing briefly back at Allison who nodded her head and continued sharpening her arrows. "I don't wanna repeat myself and my good friend Ally here, well she's a good shot, from this short range. That arrow is gonna go deep, hitting the important artery it's suppose too. So start talking." 

"Can I ask you a question first?" Owen turned his head, a smirk on his beaten face. Go Lyds, she really fucked them up. "How is Lydia in bed? I bet she's a real wild-" I drove my fist straight into his face causing him too go dizzy for a few seconds, blood started dripping from his definite broken nose. "Okay... fine fine. Touchy subject. Another question, less... personal. Right now? Is she downstairs? With little Noah, the baby you guys kidnapped. I bet she is." 

"That's right son." William responded, glancing at the clock on the wall. "She will be. Give it another five minutes - she'll be dead." 

I heard numerous footsteps running, a crying toddler, getting closer too the room. 

"Somebody run the sink, get it lukewarm. Noah got covered in blood, Katy Luther got shot." Ophelia shouted, she was a girl from Void, a good fighter. Noah was nestled into her chest, crying and covered in blood. "Lydia is down there with Kira and the guy who killed Katy." 

"Ahh, Kira." William chuckled, Owen copying. "A girl from Hallows."  I didn't delay in grabbing his throat. 

"What are you hinting at huh?" 

"I bet your little girlfriend figured it out but let me just tell you this explicitly so you'll understand." William grunted as I tightened my grip around his throat. "Hallows aren't as loyal as they say, haha. Hallows work for me."

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