Chapter Seven; Guns n Roses

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"Just listen to me Lydia dear, loud and clear. I'll drag you out by those pretty little locks if you don't come out voluntarily." Resting my head against the cold iron bars of the cell I sigh at his rather mean and threatening words. Maybe they were empty threats, just to scare me but judging my his hard demeanour.. I would think he'd break me.

"If I'm staying here with you, if I'm going to work for you. You have to let my father go home."

"And have him tell everybody where the hell you are, bring them here. Fuck that thought away princess."

"Then drug him, blindfold him. Take him off of your land unconscious anything, just take him home." I couldn't see Stiles within the darkness of this prison. He was close though, I could smell his cologne. It smelled so damn good. He smelt irresistible. "Take him home." I demanded hopefully one last time. A hand grabbed my throat from between the bars, making me cough from the air deprivation.

"I'm sorry love, did you think you had enough power to boss me around huh?" He growls inhuman like, bringing my head closer to him so his lips brushed my cheek. "Try and tell me what to do again and I'll do something you really won't like." I felt something cold and metal run along the inside of my thigh. A gun. "Your as delicate as a rose sweetheart, don't do something that'll make me want to kill you even more than I already do." Even after those words spoken I do something incredibly stupid, I hit the gun out of his hand and collect it for myself. Directing it at his head. His eyes widened and for a moment I thought it was with fear but no he stood impressed. "Ya know that's just made me fifty percent more attractive to you!" He howled like a wolf before resting a fist against his mouth to withhold his laughter.

"Darling just do what he says. Leave me be, I'll survive." I hear my fathers voice speak, softening my grip on the gun. "Please honey.. I'll be perfectly fine. Just listen to the man before he kills one of us."

"Oh please he won't kill me, nor will he kill you father. If he does he knows I wouldn't help him with his evil little schemes that his mind is too dumb for. I mean that's the reason I'm here, he wants a more suitable lifestyle for his jacked up little gang. He just didn't have the smarts on his own to figure out how." My words make Stiles hit the bars a little angrily.

"Don't test me flower." He clicks his tongue against his teeth before holding a hand out to me. "Come out voluntarily before I come in and get you. I mean you got in the cell without a key so you can get out of it without one."

"I'm only coming out of it if my father does also." I was a stubborn girl, I'd admit that. Yet being stubborn with Stiles was as brutal as dancing on a grave. "Just let him go and I'll help you. With anything, anything at all." He steps back from the cell door with a hand on his chin, thinking. With a pursed lip he shrugged,

"Fine, fine whatever your dad can go home as long as you make an unbreakable vow to never ever leave or even attempt to or else I'll have one of my men collect your father again and we'll shoot him right in front of you.. or maybe we'll torture him first-"

"Deal." The word slipped out, I completely ignore my fathers calls of decline and go ahead with it anyway. I place the gun on the ground and pull the bobby pin back out of my hair, Stiles watches intensely as I work on the lock. His dark eyes brightening for a split second as the cell for clicked open.

"There's really nothing you can't do is there baby.." He smirks, clicking two fingers together to summon some men. Who would hopefully assist my father out of his cell. I pick up the gun again, twirling it around my fingers.

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