Chapter Forty Four; A Broken Bond

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(I think I'm going to start a new book on this account once this one in completed, it's not going to be a fan-fiction though it'll be like a standard book but I hope you all will read it.)


"So, so what? That's just it. We're over?" 

Scott had started a up the fire again and kept to himself once he realised the argument between Stiles and I was far from over. Though I knew he was listening. 

"Yes Stiles, that is just it. You left me, okay." I readjusted my position multiple times not being able to find a comfortable spot. My usual sleeping position consisted of lying on my stomach - I couldn't do that anymore. "Blame me all you want but we both know who really is to blame. Ya know this may be the smartest decision I've ever made because here's the truth, I only need you around in my life for the sake of our baby, that's why I'm here. I've had many people tell me I couldn't raise this child alone and even though I know I could, I don't want too!" 

Finally deciding trying to sleep wasn't the best option right now, I begun to plump up the pillows behind me so I could sit up. Struggling to adjust them at the angle I was sat, Stiles leaned forward to help. 

He got close enough to me that I could feel the heat rolling off of his body, it would have been calming - if he didn't smell like shit. 

"Don't you use any of your water stock to wash? Or could you at least find a goddamn creek." The way I spoke to him sort of hurt me, the sharp tone of voice seemed to stab my own heart. It was weird I wanted to hurt him but I didn't want to really hurt him. 

"I guess taking care of myself wasn't something I thought about. Hygiene wise anyway, it was all about trying to survive and what berries were poisonous or not." 

"Yeah well you wouldn't have had your little berry problem if you didn't flee." I laid my head in the palm of my hands. "Goddamnit why the hell did you have to leave Stiles! You've ruined everything! You have broken everything and not just with me. Do you really think your gang is going to trust you again? They think you're nothing but a hypocrite who preaches loyalty but breaks it when it works for him. You won one war with the outside world but now you're going to have to fight one in your own home!" 

"I already have done Lydia. You were there, it was with your own people. The people I gave hospitality and protection too." 

"My own people, my own people was you!" 


Stiles had stormed out of the tent to sit with Scott after that, they were heating up some sort of canned food in a small pot above the fire. 

The air had chilled a lot and I begun to think of how Stiles survived the cold nights alone. It always seemed to be warm when we were together. Now, not so much. Though I knew for sure I needed somebody to hold, goosebumps were raising on my skin and a few shivers hit me every few seconds. No matter the amount of blankets I piled on top of myself, I still felt cold. 

"Scott." I shouted, he was soon at the entrance of the tent. "I'm freezing, are there anymore blankets out there?" 

"No there isn't unfortunately. How on earth are you so cold, it's not cold out here?" His face showed concern as he pushed himself into the small tent with me. Once he was placed next to me, he pressed his abnormally warm hand against my cheek. "Oh my god. You're frozen." 

"You're boiling." I grasped his warm hand with my cold one and he held mine tightly. "What's going on?" 

"Maybe you're coming down with a fever of some sort. Stress induced." His hands were rubbing the length of my arms now, an attempt to warm me up. It was only working for a temporary moment. "You can't stay out here Lyds. We have to get you home." 

"It's too dark, we won't be able to find the car. Probably not even with a flashlight." 

"Well we have to try, I'm pretty sure getting sick whilst pregnant isn't ideal, especially when you're outdoors in the middle of nowhere without anyone to give you any professional medical care. My mum will take a look at you when we get home." He had managed to hook my arm around his neck and pulled me too my feet, making sure the blanket was still wrapped securely round my shoulders. "One little step at a time." 

I had managed to pull the flashlight that was beside me up from the floor and flicked it on, the light beamed straight out of the entrance onto an unexpected Stiles who shielded his eyes from the bright light.

"What's going on?" He questioned, raising from the dying fire. "Are you guys heading back already?" 

"Lydia's sick, and what do you mean 'you guys'? You're coming with us, you're coming home."


Stiles seemed to know what direction to head and I cursed myself out for not even leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. We had even forgotten to mark the trees with our chalk we were so intent on following the smoke. 

The sickness didn't distract me from the thoughts of home and how the people there would react to Stiles return. Confused? Angry? Upset? All of them at the same time. There's even a possibility of a riot, the vote for change of leadership. I know what this gang was capable of, I was just hopeful they'd listen to Scott or me. There sure as hell is bound to be some uproar.

"Just a little further now Lyds." 

I was wrapped up in Scott's arms as he carried me bridal style and I managed to catch Stiles physically tense at the use of the nickname he once used to call me. He defiantly thought something was going on between Scott and I. That was also a scary situation, a jealous Stiles, was a dangerous one and I didn't want to underestimate him and whether or not he would hurt his childhood best friend whilst consumed by the emotion. 

"The car is just up ahead. I can see it's outline." Stiles said, shining the torch straight ahead. "I don't think it's such a good idea for me to return, I see my presence would be unnecessary." 

"Unnecessary? What the fuck are you talking about?" I snapped back as Scott adjusted my position to get a better hold of my heavy, pregnant self. "You're going to be the father of my child, you think that's fucking unnecessary?" 

"No, no. That's not what I meant-"

"Then what the hell did you mean!" 

"You seemed to have replaced me just fine. You seemed to have worked things out without me, made things run peacefully and smoothly without me." He was scowling, it's odd how I could tell since I was just staring at the back of his head, his tone of voice gave it away. "Bringing me back will only cause you more problems, more stress." 

"You think we haven't thought about that. I have thought everything through, if I didn't think bringing you back wasn't for the best, I wouldn't have wasted my time looking for you. I would have put my time towards something more important - like putting food on the plates of the people you left." 

"I left because I thought it was best for you!" He turned round harshly, pointing a stern finger toward me. It brought Scott to a halt. 

"You should've spoken too me! Communication is important within a relationship and you've proven you can't even do something as simple as that." 

Scott placed me onto the ground as I begun kicking my legs, I was still shaking and I still felt weak but I needed to stand tall if I wanted to confidently win this argument. Stiles usually would win our little spats, hopefully not this time...

(sorry short as shit just wanted to get an update out.)

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