2. Cartaah?

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*Lucy's P.O.V*

"Night Luce" "Night Jack" I say as well & kiss his cheek. I go to the bathroom to change into my 1D footie pajamas (judge me). I go lay in bed and close me eyes so I can drift to sleep.


I feel something on me and I notice I'm cuddled up on someone's body and immediately jump causing a loud noise. The unknown person looks at me so my immediate reaction is to scream. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". Which causes him to scream also. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" we both scream. I'm guessing the others woke up and they join us as well. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

Both Jacks burst through the door along with the others and turn on the lights. "What is going on" Aaron asks. I look and see Carter was the one on my bed. "Shit Carter, how the hell did you get in my bed" "WHAT?" I'm guessing he's confused as well. "YOU SLEPT TOGETHER" a very angry Jack(G) says. "ON ACCIDENT" I try to cover up. "What did happen?" Matt questions. "Carter weren't you on the couch?" Shawn says. "I guess I must have went to your bed after I went to the bathroom, by the way nice pj's". Everyone in the room starts laughing at my 1D footie pajamas. So I just respond

"Thanks, Bubba got me these". "Who the fuck is that?". I see Jack J blush into bright pink. "Aww little Jacky is blushing isn't he" Cameron teases him, everybody laughs again. "Don't laugh at him." "Yea, at least my name isn't 'Pumpkin' " Jack tells Jack. Now Jack G is the one blushing. "OK everyone go to bed, I think me and these boys got it from here". I hear a chorus of 'Nights'. All the guys are gone except the Jacks what a surprise. "Even you two". "Night boys" I kiss both their cheeks as they exit the door.

"Alright now to deal with you guys" I say as I clap my hands together. "Matt, Shawn you guys just go to your beds and Carter you can just sleep with me". "Really" "Yeah , its either the couch or with me" "OK with you it is". "Plus you're really warm and comfortable to sleep with". He puts his head down, trying to cover his face for me not to see. I look at Matt and Shawn and notice the look on their faces almost jealous.

"Night everyone". Me and Carter get comfy in bed bed and go to sleep.


"Little black dress who you doing it for, little black dress I can't take anymore it's not right, its not right, it's not right you know" I snooze my alarm, get up & hum the rest of the song. Its 8:30 a.m so I change into a white One Direction t-shirt, high waisted shorts, put on my black Doc Martins, get my purse & let my straight hair down. I look over my bed and see a peaceful Carter asleep in some weird position. I leave the boys a note on Carter's forehead specifically saying that I'm going to be in the Starbucks in the lobby.

Going down the hallway I skip to the elevators and hit the down button, patiently waiting. The door opens and see a really cute boy that looks around my age so I go in, nervous that I might embarrass myself like I always do. "You're not from here are ya?" the boy tells me. "No, I'm actually visiting here for a little" I finally manage to say. "I'm Chris, and you are" "I'm Lucy" "Oh yeah I've seen your videos, you're a great singer" "Thank you, oh my god I know who you are now, you have an amazing voice". "Yea we should definitely sing together sometime" "For sure, lets trade numbers". We switch phones to put our numbers in them and gladly return them. '♡Novio♡' is what he sets as his contact name and I lightly chuckle. "See you later 'Novio' ". "Alright bye 'Novia'. "Hey why don't you come to Starbucks with me insted, I wanna get to know you more" "Sure thing".

The elevator door opens so we walk out to Starbucks. "What you gonna get" he asks with cute grin on his face. "Probably the same thing I always get, a Vinte Vanilla Bean Frappuccino" "Let me get 2 Vinte Vanilla Bean Frappuccinos" Chris tells the barista. "That will be $7.45 sir". I reach for money in my bag but before I could Chris had already paid. "Why did you pay" "Cause I wanted to, I couldn't just let you pay for your own drink plus you invited me, it's the least I could do". "Ugh you're too cute to be mad at". "I know" he said to me "Oh shutup" I tell him pushing his arm lightly. "Christopher & Lucy" the barista calls our orders. "I'll get them".

He comes back with our drinks and sits down. "Thanks Chris, wait you gave me the wrong one this one has your name on it". "I know" "Anyways. ." "I'm going to Macon you know" "Really, did you get v.i.p?" "Yeah, me and my cousin Daniel are going". Daniel. "You okay?" "Yeah it's a long story though" "I have time" "Um I'll tell you whenever I'm ready". "Ok you ready to go even though we're not finished" "Yea let's go." We head upstairs since the elevator took too long. "Bye Chris, I'll text you later." I told him as I opened the door to my room.

"Morning" Shawn says real happy. "Hey, you're awake." "So where you been?" "Did you not get the note?" "No". "Oh probably cause I put in on Carter, who is still sleeping" I tell him looking at a peaceful Carter asleep. "Why does it say 'Chris' on your cup?". "I was at Starbucks with a friend" "Oh really, how was it" "It was great he was the sweetest thing ever, guess what, him & his cousin are huge fans of ours & are going to Magcon"

"That's cool". He seemed kinda uninterested. "Is everyone else awake?" I ask him trying to change the subject. "I think so" "I think it's cute how you & Gilinsky are close but Johnson now, I'm jealous of him" realizing what he said he covered his mouth. "Awe that's sweet, we're all pretty close, we call ourselves 'The Three Musketeers' but why would you be jealous of Johnson?."

I'm going to admit I thought Shawn was pretty adorable especially how he's jealous of Jack J. "C'mon you two obviously look like a couple if you ask me" "And is that something to be jealous about?." "Yeah you're not like all girls" "How?". "You get along with everyone, you're not afraid of being yourself, you're carefree & everyone seems to like you." he says to me not breaking eye contact.

My heart literally melted when he told me that. "Awe you're the sweetest" I told him pinching his cheeks. He looked me in the eyes then looking away from me so I wouldn't see his face turn into a bright shade of pink. "Hey Shawn, let's go out to eat, I haven't had breakfast yet" I told him trying to not make things awkward. "Yeah sure, how bout we go to Denny's" "Yes it's my favorite place ever" I say excitedly. "Shhhh" he told me putting his finger up to his lips as he glances over to Matt & Carter sleeping. I nod in agreement so I put up another note on both of the boys' forehead then Shawn & I head out the door.


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