69: Nightmares / Goodbyes to Abigail

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         *Jack Johnson's P.O.V*

I feel Lucy tossing and turning as if she couldn't sleep. Sometimes she has thoughts in her head. But this was different.

Her forehead's sweating, her body's shaking and she feels cold yet warm.

"Lucy baby wake up" I say shaking her body lightly, trying not to frighten her.


Her body then stops moving, guessing she stopped.

I then turn around so she can get her rest.

As I shut my eyes a shreak of fear comes out of Lucy's mouth making me turn around immediately.

"Lucy!! Lucy I need you to wake up" I sorta shout at her.

She cries harder making it difficult for me to wake her up.

"Lucy! Lucy" I shake her again.

"Jack Johnson what shinannigans are you two doing at this time" my mom then bursts into the room upset.

Oh my god. Did my mom really think we were doing "it."

"Mom please go to bed I have this all under control. Lucy's just having a nightmare" I inform shoving her out of the door.

"Are you sure she doesn't sound alright" she says unsure.

"Yes mom. I know how to deal with her at times like this."

"Okay Lucy, I want you to listen to the sound of my voice. I know you can hear me. And I want you to wake up baby" I say in her ear while shaking her.

"Lucy please wake up!! I need you!! I need you hear with me baby!"

Her breathing then gets heavier and harder. I see she's waken up now.

"I-. He-. Touched me. I dont-" Lucy cries out.

"Shhhh. I know, I know" I say, hugging her while stroking her hair.

"Jack please don't ever leave me" Lucy sniffles.

"I couldn't, even if I tried. And I'll never ever do it baby girl, I promise you that."

As she nuzzles her body and head deep into my chest she soon becomes calm.

"So what happened in your dream."

"It was Zeke" she simply says with sadness in her voice.

You see a while back, we as in Jack, Sammy boy, Nate, Daniel, Greg, Lucy, Jenn and myself made the wrong decision and went to a Northridge party.

Zeke aka the asshole, raped my sweet poor babygirl Lucy.

Yeah you could say that her brothers had to bail out about 5 guys.

But hey we won the case so it's all good. But it's not good that Lucy's having nightmares about him again.

Although Kimmy was worst than Lucy. Lucy was alwasy that one girl that kept all her emotions in, she's a really brave chick. But no offense Nate, on ya homegirl.

"Well we don't have to worry about that asshole for another 3 years."

"Thank you for everything Jack" she says looking up to me.

Oh how bad I just wanna grab her face and kiss her. But too bad she wouldn't feel the same way.

Why did we ever break up?

"Well J. We broke up cause Jack didn't want us together. That's basically it" Lucy responds, guessing I didn't say that in my head.

"He was always jealous of our relationship" I joke.

Her laugh rings in my ear, making me smile from ear to ear.

Everything about her makes me smile and happy. She doesn't even have to try.

"Why don't you have your shorts on?" She asks mischievously.

"Cause its more comfortable like this."

"Well then."

"You're very comfortable" Lucy says as she scoots her body closer to mine, making no space between us.

Her head nuzzles into my chest again as she wraps her arms around my waist and her legs also.

I am definitely enjoying this position. But hey I'm not complaining.

What goes through my mind all the time is. Would she eve go for me?

Cause I know that if she ever loved any other guy that's not me I'd go crazy.

I need to start thinking of some super good promposals. It'll make her be mine in an instant.

"I love you so much Jack" my head snaps at her faint voice saying those words to me.

"I love you more Lucy" I mumble, kissing the top of her head.


"I just can't believe we have to say bye to Abby today" Lucy says pouting.

Her love her children warms my heart.

"I know right. She was my excuse for you to spend the night" I joke.

Lucy just gives me a look. "You know you're gonna miss her, soon you're gonna have some of your own and you'll love em even more."

"Correction, we're gonna have some of our own."

She blushes and shoves me.

"This is gonna be so hard for Grayson."

"I know. My poor baby. He was getting so attached to her."

"Well let's get this over with."

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