71: Stuck in a U-haul

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The day ended with me beating Matty. Funny how he thought he could underestimate me.

Karmas a bitch, but she does all good to us.

After that Matt spent the night and now I'm here at his house eating breakfast with his family. Who seem to enjoy me.

Which is good cause I really don't want to make a bad impression on his parents who by the way are the best. Matt seems to be embarrassed by all the stories they're telling me.

"He loved getting dirty outside so when I turned around I see him with snails on his head, rocks inside his shirt and his whole hat filled with mud mixed with dirt" Mrs. Espinosa tells me.

Aside to me is a embarrassed, blushing Matt. Who's not enjoying this one bit.

"Awww, I can't imagine how much work you went through having a messy boy."

"Oh it was awful. It was so much work for just him" Mr. Espinosa then said.

"By the way Matthew, we have to help your aunt Helen unpack the last two trucks."

"Okay dad" Matt says changing to his normal skin color.

"Oh I'll just go now, thank you for the breakfast Mrs. Espinosa."

"No, no. Stay" Matt insists.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. It'll be funner and more help if you went with us too."

"Okay then."

"C'mon then, I see the moving truck from here" Mrs. Espinosa rushes us outside.

"If you guys will help me move this inside. And no need for unpacking just please set the boxes down in the living room" Helen says.

"By the way I'm Helen, thank you for coming I need all the help I can get" she introduces herself.

"Lucy, and it really isn't a problem."


"Look what I found Lucy" Matt says.

I turn around to him wearing a lady's hat, a boa, those super huge sunglasses and him posing like a girl would.

"Matt stop messing around" I chuckle.

"How many boxes are there?"

"Like 7. why?"

"Just asking. Matt take that off I can't take you seriously with that on."

"Hey look there's more cool stuff in here!!" Matt says child like.

Unwillingly I make my way to the boxes and see Matt has made a mess by laying out everything.

"Matthew!! You fucking child son of a bitch, why did you make such a mess. Ughh" I groan starting to pick up the mess.

He doesn't respond.

I hear the uhaul door shut.

"Matt quit messing around and open the door" I say rolling my eyes.

"That wasn't me. Somebody closed it!!"

"Ah hell."

"Pull on three. One, two, three" we both pull as hard as we could.

"This is all your fault you know!!" I yell starting to get mad at his stupidness.

"Me!! What did I fucking do??!"

"You were the one messing around and shit!"

"Well I'm sorry if I was trying to have fun!!"

I sigh, "I'm sorry" we both say at the same time.

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