32. The Singers and the Asian

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"Is that everyone" I pull away from Nash's hug. I look around the room and there's 3 left. A small asian boy, and two other ones with brown hair.

"You remember me, right?" the tallest muscular one says walking up to me. I mean he does look a bit familiar but nothings ringing a bell.


"I'll have Banana Pancakes, waffles, a glass of orange juice and some french fries please" "I'll have the same as her except no waffles" Shawn and I say to the waitress. "Coming right up" the cute-young waitress says to us (mainly me) winking at me. Shawn glares at him being the jealous person he is.

The waitress seems really nice if you ask me and like a smart guy.

"So how do you like it here" "Um I don't know really know you guys but so far it's really nice." "Yea well don't get used to it cause they get pretty crazy once you get know them real well"

"So what do you you do at Magcon since I'm all new to this, the boys haven't really explained much to me." "Well you basically just meet fans, take pictures with them and it's really fun" "Oh, you, Jacob and I get to perform, isn't that great." "Really? I love Jacob, he's an amazing singer and so are you" "Yeah maybe us three can perform together" "That's a great idea."

"Here's your orders, sorry to keep you guys waiting" 'Francisco' said (it was on his name tag I'm not a creep or anything) handing us our food. "Oh no its ok, Francisco" "Denada hermosa" he responds to me, leaving. "What a flirt" Shawn scoffs.

"He seems really nice" "You're just saying that because you think he's attractive" "Why so jealous" I smirk at him. He looks away so I just pull him into a hug to make him feel better. "You assume that I like every cute boy Shawn." "Shut up and eat your food" he says to me chuckling.

*End of flashback*

"Oh yes, yes, you're Shawn" I clap my hands together. He gives me one of his famous Shawn Mendes hugs. His hugs are so warm and comforting it makes me wanna hug him forever.


"Jacob man, she'll never like you" Shawn pats his back. "Yeah I know but you can't blame a guy for trying" he says in a sad tone.

"Don't be mean to him Shawn" I give him a little hug. "Yeah Shawn" Jake looks at him in defeat.

*End of Flashback*

"Jake!" I run up to him and give him a big hug. I stand on my tippy toes since Jacob is really really really tall. "Yes" I hear him whisper. I laugh quietly at that.


I feel something on me and I notice I'm cuddled up on someone's body and immediately jump causing a loud noise. The unknown person looks at me so my immediate reaction is to scream. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". Which causes him to scream also. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" we both scream. I'm guessing the others woke up and they join us as well. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

Both Jacks burst through the door along with the others and turn on the lights. "What is going on" Aaron asks. I look and see Carter was the one on my bed. "Shit Carter, how the hell did you get in my bed" "WHAT?" I'm guessing he's confused as well. "YOU SLEPT TOGETHER" a very angry Jack(G) says. "ON ACCIDENT" I try to cover up. "What did happen?" Matt questions. "Carter weren't you on the couch?" Shawn says. "I guess I must have went to your bed after I went to the bathroom, by the way nice pj's". Everyone in the room starts laughing at my 1D footie pajamas.

*End of Flashback*

"Cartaaahh" I extend my arms going for a hug which he gladly receives. "I won't sleep with you anymore cause we all know what happened the last time" I point out. It makes him a chuckle a bit. "No promises" he says back.

"Yay 13 out 13! The family is complete and my work is done!" Hayes cheers. This kid literally did not help.


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