57: Uncle Nach

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Everyone else is in their own conversation while who knows what Shawn and I are bickering about.

Then a loud high-pitched scream interrupts me as to who knows what i even was talking about.

Again, I hear the scream.

I shoot up from my feet as to what I realize that it's coming from upstairs.

"No, no. Its okay, I got this" Nash says running upstairs to Grayson in my parents room.

"Thank you so much" I mumble throwing my head back.

                *Nash's P.O.V*

"No, no. It's okay, I got this" I say getting up, going up to Lucy's parents bedroom.

I see Grayson crying and screaming so pick him up, rocking him up and down. Hopefully making him stop crying.

"Uncle Nash is here to take care of you" I say whispering to him.

Grayson stops crying then. "You wanna go with momma?" I ask him.

"Yes uncle Nach" he says.

"It's Nasshhh" I slowly say to him.

"Nacchhh" he repeats after me.

"Naaasshh" I repeat again while going downstairs with him.




"Okay one more time. Repeat after me. Na."

"Na" he repeats after me.


"Shhhh" he says after me.

"Now say Na-aash."

"Naaass" he says improving.

"You know what uncle Nas it is. Since we still need to work on it."

While I was talking to Grayson I hear a familiar faint giggle from behind.

"Hello there m'lady" I say to Lucy.

"Hi uncle Nas, or do you prefer Nach" she says giggling.

"I think you're capable of saying my name just fine."

"You know you're really good with kids" she says looking at a Grayson who's sleeping now.

"Well I do have a little 4 year old sister, Skylynn."

"Right. When do I get to meet this Skylynn of yours?"

"Whenever you meet my parents first" I say smirking at her, intentionally getting hit by her.

"Maybe in the summer" she then says as my head shoots up at her response.

"Really?" I ask not believing her.

"Yeah why not. It's bound to happen someday."

"Duh. Well I already met my mother in law and step father in law. So it's sorta your turn."

"Really now?" she says cocking an eyebrow. "So you're willing to be the father of Grayson."

"I could take care of him" I say looking down at him.

"That's what I thought" she sassingly says proving her point.

"Here lemme take him to my room" she says trying to take him.

"No it's okay I'll take him" I say taking a step back, preventing her to get him.

"Nash, it's okay I do this all the time" she says giving me a sly smile.

"Exactly. I'll just take him upstairs."

"Ay Nash" she says whimpering.

"You need to take a break mija" I say as she laughs at my terrible spanish.

God I could listen to that laugh forever if I could.

As I got to Lucy's room I lay Grayson down on her bed and put some covers on him.

I couldn't help but notice the pictures she has all over her wall.

Some with the Jacks when they were really little, and some from now.

There's also others with her brothers.

With this guy im guessings name is Nate. Then there's Kim.

I come across a family picture with Lucy, her mom, her birth dad, three brothers and some guy holding onto her while they're both holding kids. Lucy has Grayson and the guy that I'm extremely jealous of is holding a little baby girl. Then you also see Jack, his sisters, brother, & parents. While aside of them is Johnson, Sammy, Nate with his girl.

Wow. She wasn't lying when she said that they are all a big family.

A baby picture of Lucy is on her little lamp desk.

Well its not really a baby picture.

It's more of a toddler/kid picture. It's Jack and her kissing as little kids like she they before.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and decide to go back downstairs since the guys and I are all leaving real soon.

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