15. Not My Kids

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i wake up its 9:45 in the morning so I get dressed in some black Victoria's Secret sweats, a white tank top that says PINK, a melon color sweater also from Victoria's Secret and some matching roshe runs that are the same color as my sweater.

I didn't feel like doing anything special to my hair so I put it in a french braid. I grab my backpack with all my technology and my guitar.

I'm ready just in time and I go up a floor. As arrive at the guy's door and I don't bother knocking. 

"Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah, looking great like always" Danny winks at me.

"Not looking bad yourself" I bump his hips. "

Yo we gotta head out" Chris tells Daniel. "Oh hey Lucy" he hugs me by the side.

"The kids are sleeping but you should be okay, um Robby has these juices that he loves, they're packed in a blue backpack and Daniela's sliced apples are in the fridge, oh and-"

"Chill out I got this, I'm pretty sure that I told you that I have had kids of my own"

"Great, thanks for doing this" he gives me a kiss on the cheek and exits out the door with Chris. "Bye have fun but not too much fun."

Now what can I do while you guys are sleeping I think to myself. I decide to just listen to my music on my iphone. I put it on shuffle, XO by Emblem3 plays.


I hear babies crying and I forget that I'm babysitting the kids.

How nice of me.

I grab a crying Daniela & Diego.

Once they stop crying I decide to give the treats that Daniel packed. They eat em all quickly. Its 3:00 pm, I realize that I haven't filmed a video in a long time, I tweet the fans to tweet me questions with the hashtag #AskLucy.

Thousands of tweets are received. I set up my camera on the tripod that I packed and put up lights too. And I start recording.

"Hey guys I know that I haven't uploaded a video in 2 weeks but i have a good reason. I'm in San Diego for this event called Magcon and I wanted to spend time with you all in the real world" "On twitter I asked you guys to ask me questions with the hashtag #AskLucy so with further do let's get started"

"I'm picking random ones, first question, 'is Jack Johnson your boyfriend'. No he is not he's one of my neighbors, and best friends with me, my cousin Jack and Sammy!! So they come over my place ALL THE TIME, not that I'm complaining"

"Moving on, 'Do you miss your family' I do a lot actually. But I recently called my brothers the other day, Brandon is still at home being lazy as always I bet and Luis is still in the U.S Army/Navy."

" 'How much do you love Mean Girls' the limit does not exist" I smirk. "'When are you gonna collab with the Jacob and Shawn' soon I promise, we have something planned out for you all." "'Is there anyone that you like at the moment' maybe"

"'Who was the boy and the two kids you were with at Magcon' I met this fan he was really cool, he told me how big of a fan he was. We've been talking for a while now, he introduced me to his cousin Daniel. Yeah I know, I told him the story. And the weird thing is that he looks exactly like him too, I'll show y'all a picture later. We all became really good friends. But at Magcon I don't know why but I just broke down crying because well you know and they all reminded me of my happy little family. Yeah and I love them all. The kids are actually here right now though since I'm babysitting" "Kids come say hi to the fans" they come running. "Hi friends of Lucy" Robby says. "Would you like to introduce yourselves."

"What are your names" "Dani" "Diego" they wave at the camera. I sit them both on my lap. "'How big is Jack Johnson's-" I laugh at the question. "Where not gonna talk about that here with these two in the room"

"'What do you and the Jacks argue about the most' Who's house to go to or spend the night at but they always vote on my place."

"Last question, What do you have planned for the future for your videos' I don't wanna spoil to much but I am thinking about making like a short film with some of the boys, song covers with some special guests and just so many things and I'm super excited maybe more excited than you though I'm not showing it" "That is it for today's video and I will I see you guys next time" I stop recording and I grab my guitar so I can record a video for my music channel.

I then start to record again.

"Hi guys today I'm gonna cover a song called Wrecking Ball by the wonderful Miley Cyrus" when I finished recording, I edit both of the videos.

It is now 5:00 pm, I see the kids are getting sleepy. I put the kids both to bed, I lay down with them. Diego is already asleep so decide to sing Daniela a lullaby that my mom used to sing to me and I would sing to my babygirl.

Duermese mi niña, duermese ya (x3)

Soon we both drift off to sleep since we're both pretty tired.


A pounding on the door wakes me up and I'm pretty sure it's not Chris or Danny. I open up the door and see all the boys. "What are you guys doing here" I whisper trying not to wake up the kids. "The question is what are you doing here" Jack G raises his voice at me.

Both Dieo and Daniela wake up crying because of Jacks dumbass. I run to both of them and rock them. They don't feel like sleeping anymore so I make them both a bottle and lay them back down. (They're 1 and a half)

"Who's kids are those" Aaron points at them. "They are a friend of mines" "So this is where you've been" "Yeah I'm surprised Cameron hasn't told y'all after all he did bring you didn't he."

"Yes he did" he looks at Cam with angry eyes. "Yeah and cause I told him not to" I cross my arms. "I knew you'd be like this, I mean I don't know why since I'm just being a good friend plus I offered to take care of them" "Why?"

"Why. Why?, well because he works too hard for these kids and so does his cousin" "HE??" "Yes he now get over it, he is a single parent, just like I was" I whisper the last part.

"Oh Lucy, I'm sorry I miss them as much as you do" "No you don't you don't know how much pain I go through when everyone always asks me about when I know damn well that I told them" I walk over to the twins. "The worst part is that they remind of my kiddos, it's like if the twins were to have twins along with Daniel" "His name is Daniel too?" "Yep" I say popping the p. "God what are we gonna do" "WE? You mean me" the twins cone running to me so I pick them up and put em on each side of my hip.

I hummed the lullaby to them which they both enjoyed. "You sang them the song?" "Well just Daniela, Diego went straight to sleep" "Cammy!" Daniela squeals and puts her arms out. "Hi baby, did you miss me?" Cam takes her from me and she just nods. "You're so good with kids, the lady you marry is going to be very lucky along with Nash, Hayes, Aaron, the Jacks & Tay" "Well my wife is looking at me right now" I blush in response.

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