The Runaways (A Hetalia x Reader Story)

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The Runaways

Chapter One

You were ready, if you didn't do it now you would forever look down upon yourself for being weak and pathetic. You gripped the book bag on your shoulders... Maybe you were missing something and should check... again. No, now you had to go. You opened your window all the way. Your dog lifted her head from the foot of your bed and stretched out as she saw you, "Shh, go to bed (dog)!" You softly spoke, you wanted to be careful not to wake your parents up. Your dog ignored and jumped off the bed and ran up beside you, you had no choice but to give in and put her on a leash and take her with you. It's not like she would cause much trouble anyways. You picked her up and you both went out the window, stepping onto the wet pavement below you, it had just rained and there was still some mist in the air, making it exceptionably colder outside. You buttoned up your black wool coat and tightened your blue scarf a little.

'There's no going back now.' You thought to yourself as you shut the window except for a crack... Just in case.

You were off. It was midnight and you decided it would be best to run as far and as long as you could while you were allowed to hide in the shadows.

You were leaving your road, this was really it, you were leaving. Now, only one thing came across, "Where am I going?" You asked a little shaken. Your dog looked up at you as you both walked down the pavement. You had taken into account how long this would take by walking, how long it would take to leave the town you were in, the next one after that, and then eventually, the state. You weren't far from the state's border to start with, but still. You had to make it there before five in the morning. It would be 12:08 AM soon, and according to the time plan, you had four hours left - absolutely no time to spare! After realising this, you broke into a dash, your dog ran along beside you.

Soon enough, there it was, the sign welcoming you to your next town, a small one if you do recall. You could remember driving past this town, along with many more, plenty of times, but you never actually saw yourself running through it to escape your parents. You looked at your dog and grinned, "Don't worry pal, I made plans to eat here, okay?" You laughed a little as you both walked beside the trees, then you saw a gas station. You checked the map you drew out, it was actually pretty accurate, this was the gas station where you and your dog would eat the tuna and some water, you would go in afterwards since it's always open, buy another snack then leave. Easy as that.

You walked towards a wet bench and sat on it, not minding the water a bit. You pulled your bag off and grabbed the container with tuna and ritz crackers. Your dog jumped on the bench beside you and laid her head on your lap, you smiled as you ate quietly.

Although this was tuna, you didn't seem to mind it this time, it actually tasted pretty amazing, but not that amazing, you could have packed something better but it was all late minute. You could feel your eyes start to burn, but you weren't going to cry.

It wasn't that you were sad anymore, it was that you were ashamed. Of yourself? A little, but you were ashamed of your family, they were such myopic people, so... Inconvenient.

You saw the doors to the gas station open and a guy walked out. You figured he worked there, after all, who would be up at this hour? It was about to be one in the morning. You were still on schedule. The man pulled out a cigarette and lit it, by the time he lit it, your dog barked and he dropped it into a puddle of muddy water. He screamed a little as he took a step back.

"Ugh- pardon me, mad'dam. I didn't see you there..." He spoke a little unsure. You nodded, "It's fine, I didn't want to be... Seen." You paused as you realised that this man, who ever he was, could easily rat you out.

"What are you doing out here, it's cold." He paused and looked around, "Where's your car?"

You quickly tensed up, you read about how other people who ran away made up a story that people could believe in order to escape successfully, without hesitation, you lied, "I actually crashed my car a little back, I came here to use this pay phone to call for help." He raised a brow as he walked a little closer. He pointed at the pay phone as he looked at you curiously, "This one?" You bit your bottom lip and nodded, "Yeah...?" You said, sounding a little questionable. He grabbed the phone and pulled it, when he did, the whole box fell on the inside, the loud sound startled you and you jolted up, "I find that a little hard to believe, assuming my friend broke this three years ago." He said, sounding a little annoyed. You didn't know what to say, but he broke the silence, "Care to come inside to talk about what's really happening?" He asked as he began to make his way indoors, "you put your book bag on then blurted out, "C-Can I bring my dog inside?" The boy turned halfway, "As long as it doesn't make a mess." You smiled as you picked your dog up and ran inside after him.

You set your dog down on a chair next to a metal table, "Explain what's really going on." He commanded as he grabbed two cups and filled them from the slushy machine. You scratched the back of your head, "Well, as long as you swear not to rat me out..." He turned towards you and set the cup in front of you, "Well explain first, then I'll decide whether or not I will call the police. Afterall, I don't want to swear and it turn out you killed a man."

You rolled your eyes as you took a sip of the drink, "Well, I kinda ran away from home..." You began. The guy sat down in front of you, you looked at him, he didn't even change his expression. "Why?" He asked. You frowned a little, "Wait, why am I telling you this?" He shrugged, "Beats me, but I could call the police and tell them you're here, after all I haven't decided if I should 'rat' you out or not." He sneered. You frowned as you glared at him, "I don't even know your name!" He looked up at you, his emerald green eyes struck through you.

"My name is Arthur Kirkland."


•,•) I hope you liked my it's chapter for this, I'll finish the rest sooner... Or later e-e anywho it's like five in the morning and I need to do that 'sleep' thing, so adios! ^-^

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