24- Team A

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The Runaways

Chapter 24

Team A

- Arthur's POV -

We drove around for a while, I looked out the window while Spain kept telling the cab driver where to go. I felt a bit useless and I just sat here though. It was also getting late rather quickly. I just hope they're okay, where ever they are.

- First Person POV -

SO Lovino got hit again. I feel bad but he won't stop arguing with the bad guys. I scooted as far back against the wall as I could as if somehow that could make me less visbible. It didn't but I felt safer.

I looked around the dark room to see if there was any means of escape, but as far as I could see the only doors in the room were on the other side of the room. And the only obstacle in between the door and I, was that guy who looked like Antonio. But he still hasn't mentioned his name. Not even by accident.

"Are you still there?" Alfred asked in a whisper through the phone. I waited for the other guy to turn around to answer so that he hopefully wouldn't see me.

"Yeah..." I whispered.

"Okay, listen closley. I am talking to England on another phone and they're coming, okay? Everything will be over soon." He whispered. I let a smile escape as I spoke back into the phone, "Tell him that there as three guys that I've seen in here so far. There may be more so watch your back." I heard Alfred talk to someone else on the other end, he probably still had Arthur on the other phone and was telling him now. He then responded, "Okay, I did. By the way, have any of them mentioned their names?"

I bit my bottom lip then lightly shook my head although he couldn't see, "No." I said.

"Well, okay, if you figure it out, tell me. Anyways, I'm sorry I have to do this, but I'm going to hang up because Romano's phone battery might not last much longer." Alfred said sadly.

I had trouble forcing myself to respond back, "Okay... Goodbye Alfred." I said.

And just like that, the line was dead.

-Arthur's POV-

"Surley now, you must be joking." I said into the phone.

"No dude, seriously. I'm on the phone with her right now and she's sound like, totally scared bro. You gotta get moving man." America responded.

Spain turned around from the front seat and looked at me, "Que pasa?" He asked, of course, in Spanish.

Due to the fact that there was a human cab driver in the car as well, I tried my best not to say to much. "Hold on." I said to Spain.

"Don't tell me to hold on!" America sassed into the phone.

"No, not you, shut up idiot and tell me what's happening." I said.

He sighed deeply and didn't say anything for a while, but then when he responded, he sounded a tad bit sad, "She said you're probably not going to be able to save them cause yo're weak as shit so I'm going to fly in with Russia, Belarus, Germany, and Switzerland because they're in my Team A and all."

I frowned, "You arse. I know she did not say that. Also, why is Belarus there? Also, I thought I was in your A team!" I said.

"Okay to quote _____, she said that so far, she's seen like three dudes and I'm assuming based on previous records that you're just going to go in suicidal so I'm going to go over there and help fight and whatever but don't worry, I'll give you the easy part to save her so you can get the credit." I rolled my eyes, "And Belarus is in my Team A because she's freakin awesome man, plus if she sees anyone fucking with Russia, you can count that she's going to dive in head on and kick some villan butt! Oh and, going back to history, you're out of my Team A. Okay? Now it's Team A. NOT A TEAM because that sounds stupid and childish!"

"Ah yes, almost as asinine as you, you swine idiot. I doubt you will get here on time though so Spain and I will do what we can in the meantime." I responded.

"Yeah, whatever, just don't fuck up." America said.

I frowned again and starred into my reflection in the mirror in a very etiquette and dramatic fashion because, why not? "Don't worry. I wasn't planning to." I said in an awesome deep and serious voice.

"Dude." America inturupted my moment. "I'm seriously boarding my jet, I will get there in no less than an hour becuase I'm fucking awesome so I am seriously... AND I MEAN SERIOUSLY telling you to wait for us. Okay?" I pressed my lips together and growled, "Fine you bloody twat. I'll wait at the entrance of the building and Spain will send you the address. Goodbye."

Through the phone, I could already hear him talking to his... TEAM A and of course, arguing. "Goodbye bro!" He then sang, followed by his obnoxious laughter.

This was going to be my entire day, wasn't it?

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