17- Excitement

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The Runaways

Chapter Seventeen


"Wake up, ________!" Ireland shouted as she entered the storage room I made a bedroom of. I quickly hopped to my feet, "Why? What's the matter?" I asked eagerly as I rubbed my eyes. She laughed and tossed me a bucket, "We get to go fishing lassie!" She smiled and walked away, leaving me a short state of shock. I groaned lazily as I grabbed a shirt Seamus gave me and a pair of pants to work.

The current was strong, but the ship was pretty hardy so I wasn't afraid. I set the bucket down and helped Seamus pull the net over the boat, quickly then, we all hurried to grab the fish and throw them in a crate that Ireland brought up. I'll admit, this was hard work, and pretty discusting. I've never touched so many fish in my life.

My fingers began to feel sore and my legs and arms weakened as the day went on. I sighed as we finally pulled the net over for the last time and filled another crate with fish.

"Tired already?" Seamus teased as he threw me a towel. I nodded and walked to the front of the ship to collapse on the ground somewhere that didn't wreak of fish. Seamus followed as he laughed, "That was only eight nets! Just ya wait until tomorrow!" He spoke. I groaned out of tiredness and laid on te ground as the moonlight breeze blew my tiredness away slowly.

At last, Ireland came around, "Hey! I've been lookin' for ya two. I made a special diner tonight since we have a guest!" She sang. I bolted up, "Food?" She nodded as she pulled us both with her and lead us into the small kitchen. The table was set already and there were two cups of beer, presumably for them, and a glass that was empty, presumably for me.

"I didn't know what ya like to drink. So I'll let ya choose." Ireland explained. Seamus pointed behind him to a shelf. I walked towards it and opened it to find a box of tea bags, a few bottles of fresh water, and a bottle of coca-cola! I grinned widely and grabbed the coke quickly and poured it into my glass.

"Since ya would be tired of fish, so I made a loaf of garlic bread out of the groceries Seamus brought me and some of my big brother's famous haggis!" She grabbed me a plate and put some of it on my plate. "Seamus taught you how to make this?" I asked. Seamus shook his head, "No, we have another brother, Allistor. He's the one who took care of us three while we were growing up, we threw are all pretty close." He smiled lightly. I tilted my head, "What about Arthur?" I asked. He looked me dead in the eyes but ignored me. "Try it now, it's great!"

I narrowed my eyes at him but brushed it off, for now. Ireland handed me a fork and I began to eat.

A smile spread across my face, "This is great! What's in it?" I asked as I continued eating. "Sheep heart and-" but before she could finish, being who I am, I spit out my food and cried in a corner.

"Ehm... Why do we always get this reaction from Americans, I mean seriously! They practically eat fat without a care in the world!" Seamus complained. Ireland only giggled as she finished her food.

We all managed on the same schedular for a week, but I began helping out more by doing the cooking. This also got me away from having to pull the net over the boat. It was very heavy.

Cooking for them wasn't that hard either, we mostly ate some of the fish since is was, the catch of the day! [Insert laughter here.]

Although Ireland and Seamus were pretty decent cooks on their own, they actually never ate fried fish. I thought it would be pretty easy to make because all you really have to do is... Fry fish...

Well, to sum that tragic event up, I almost burnt the kitchen along with the ship/boat/thing and so Ireland and Seamus both made a petition in which they both signed their names to never let me back into the kitchen to cook.

And so, that is how {you} me got kicked out of the kitchen! On the occasion, when Ireland would finish checking to make sure that the stove was off, I was only then allowed to enter and eat my bread and cooked fish. Not fried. We aren't pulling the trigger on that one again.

-^-^- Time Skip, Brought to you by: Spain's Café! Oh wowzers! A follower!-^-^-

Days after being out at sea, Seamus finally cheered as he pointed out to the horizon, "Land!" He called. My attention quickly turned me to look. There were city lights since is was dark out. And I swear when I say it, after days out at sea with the same two people, with the same boring job, with the same disgusting smell of fish, with the same lunch everyday, when I saw the city lifts, I was happier than Grell when he was kissed by Sebastian in that one fanfiction.

{Spoiler Alert for you SnK/AoT fans!}

Oh no! I broke that wall! Let's try it again, I was happier than Mikasa and Armin when they found out Eren wasn't dead. Just a little less shocked and more relieved.

{Spoiler Over.}

I ran to the front of the ship and held onto the railing while I stared at the bright lights. It was so perfect.

I was so excited as if I had never seen the lights of a city before. The dark buildings made it appear as if there were only lights everywhere. It sort of resembled the starry night sky.

It felt like an eternity before Seamus docked his ship at the harbour. I was the first of us three to jump down and run to the land. Not just to the wood that made a bridge so that the boats had a place to dock, but actual land. Even if it was just pavement, it was better than the constant rocking and creaking of the wood on that ship. But! It was a pretty nice boat... That's not the point.

I was lucky enough to find grass though, so I collapsed on it. It felt so cool and amazing on my back. Soon enough, Seamus came running up to me.

"So this is it for us three then, huh? You're going to leave now, aren't you?" He asked sadly.

I stood up and quickly stretched my arms around his surprisingly robust body. "I need to find him." I simply said. He hugged me back tightly and spoke, "If by some chance, ya can't find him, come back, okay? We will be here waiting for ya with open arms. Every other month though, heh, we do sail a lot I guess." I smiled brightly, "Oh I will return, but the next time I leave. You and Ireland are coming with me! Then we will all be happy together instead of hurt and always sailing away from our troubles." He took in a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. "Alright then. _____, it's been a pleasure sailing across the Atlantic Ocean with you." He bowed his head politely.

As I was about to do the same, Ireland tapped on my shoulder. She was short on breath, she must have run all the way here to catch up, she shook her head and curtsied swiftly. I giggled as I copied and then she ran closer to hug me goodbye as well.

"I'm going to miss ya, ______!" She exclaimed. I smiled and hugged them both again, "I'm going to miss you both too!"

And with that final goodbye, we walked away in our separate directions. However, Ireland did hand me a paper with the address to Allistor's house. She whispered in my ear when she hugged me, "Visit us sometime."

It printed a smile on my face, but it's now as if there was void in my heart. Was I actually missing someone?

I didn't feel this feeling of sadness when I left home not did I feel anything when I decided to leave everyone again to find Arthur again.

Oh, I sighed as I stopped running, I didn't know where I stopped. "I love him." I spoke. I shivered as I looked around now, "Where am I?"

In the distance, I only seemed to walk further into, a lamp post lit up a sign, "Liverpool?"





Well, I hope you enjoyed! ^-^

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