12- Police

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The Runaways

Chapter Twelve


The fucking alarm clock woke me up, what a stupid idea of me to set the stupid alarm, what the hell was I thinking? I threw my iPod on the carpet and stood up... Only to fall down to my knees then on my face.

I'm not a morning person.

I crawled to the door and pushed it open. Then one step at a time, I stumbled down them.

At last, I made it to the stupid kitchen, what the heck was it with all of this red white and blue? So what if it's his flag colours, what is he? The country itself?!

I took out a frying pan and a bowl. After I got two eggs out of the fridge, I cracked it on the bowl and began mixing them... Then I realised I was mixing it in a bottle.

I sat down against the fridge with my head in my hands and my knees pulled close to my chest. This was not a good idea. On second though, being a freeloader is OK.

I stood back up and tried again, I mixed the eggs together so they were scrambled then I poured it into the pan and put cheese on top, sort of like a quesadilla, but more 'breakfast-y'.

I then folded it and put it on a plate and with the ketchup, I drew five lines which would be Arthur's eyebrows. He had some crazy weird eyebrows for a guy now that I think of it. I set it on the table, then I face palmed.

This is Alfred and Mathew's house. Arthur lives next door. If they come over, I need more food.

I sat down and instead, quickly ate down the food I had made and ran upstairs and jumped back on my bed, nope nope nope! I'll leave the breakfast to Mathew from now on!


A few hours later, I woke back up. I rolled off the bed and walked to my luggage to change, oh that's right, Arthur spilled his tea on my clothes. I frowned and dragged my feet towards Alfred's room to grab a change of clothes.

After doing so, I made my way downstairs in blue jeans and a white t-shirt. "Sup loser, you ruined my clothes." I shouted as I skipped into the kitchen and sat down, "What? Ah, sorry about that." Arthur apologised. I laughed, "It's cool but, wait, does it always smell like pancakes in this house?" I asked. Mathew came over and set three pancakes on my plate with a nod, "Yep." I gave a devastated sigh, "Fantastic, but at least I made an attempt." Arthur tilted his head, "Attempt?" I nodded, "I tried making breakfast but it didn't work." Arthur frowned, "No wonder the house smelt burned this morning." Alfred looked up at Arthur, "Dude, that was at your house. You tried cooking and burnt it again." We all began to laugh, except for Arthur who remained in denial.

--- Francis's POV ---

I looked at myself in the mirror, oh my goodness I'm too fabulous for words! I was supposed to go have breakfast with my club from school, but I thought I should be fashionably late, after all who would dare start the club without me there?

I grabbed my blue leather coat and swung it over my shoulder, now to go to Yao's house, just a while down the street. As I walked outside, Yao texted me, "hurry up you stupid aru! What do I say aru? What does aru mean, aru? Dammit, just get here!" I smiled at the message and out my phone back into my front pocket and made my way... Then something caught my eye.

I looked over to the right, there was a police car following two men, who were also police. The officers were walking door to door to ask us something I guess. I shrugged and continued to walk away, "Hey, You!" One of them shouted. I rolled my eyes as I turned back towards them. They were both walking closer to me, making me feel intimidated, "Oui?" I asked.

"We what?" The larger one snapped, I raised a brow, "I'm French..." I sighed. The shorter one pulled out a piece of paper, "And ah (I) don't give a care, now tell me son, have yew seen this person in this photo around here?" His accent seemed so country I couldn't focus, "Ugh, pardon?" I asked a bit stunned. What's with this guy? I thought we were in Virginia! Virginia isn't south! What the what?!?

"Ah (I) asked yew if you've seen this girl!" He shouted.

Dammit. That voice though! "No! No, I haven't! Sil vous-plait! There's no reason to shout, I'm innocent! I surrender!" I shouted mercifully and held my hands out in front of me defensively. The two men turned to each other and shrugged. Then they just began to walk away.

This made me wonder, who was that person in the photograph? No... I couldn't dare to ask them to look at it again, "Ah, officer?" I asked. The two men turned towards me, "What is it, son?" The larger one asked. "Well, I had a question that's been bothering me or years..." Both of them showed an intrigued expression, "What is it?" The larger one asked eagerly. I stood up tall to look then in the eyes, "Do police officers use proactive to prevent breakouts?"

--- Third Person POV ---

"What the hell is that frog doing, talking to officers?" Arthur asked as he looked through the curtains. "Looks to me like they're just asking him if they've seen someone." Alfred spoke from the other window. ___________ stood up, "Who's that in the photograph?" She asked. Ivan looked out the window and smiled, "It's too far to see." He said happily. Everyone in the room screamed in terror, "Blimey! When did you get here old chap?" Arthur called out. Ivan smiled and sat down, "I thought you would want to know what they have over there."

___________ kept her eyes on the officers, "What do they have, did you see?" Alfred asked. Ivan nodded, "Guys, they're headed this way..." _________ inturupted. Ivan grabbed a cup of water, "They're searching for you, ___________." The girl quickly whipped her head back, "What?" She asked, her voice shook. "Da, apparently the Queen of England is ordering Arthur home this week and so he's off the hook... But you, you're still guilty." Ivan responded. He looked back over at the trembling girl, "N-No, that's a lie... Arthur said I was going with him to England with him and... And A-Alfred! You said you would get me off the hook! I- I can't go back there, that's not my home! They all hate-" she got cut of by Arthur who hugged her.

Hugs and kisses are the best way to get someone to shut up.

"No one is going to take you from us." Arthur assured her.

She stared into his eyes and nodded. "Then let's hide!" Arthur grabbed the young girl's hand and they walked to one of the walls, "A wall?" She asked. He nodded, "Alfred isn't completely stupid, watch." Arthur pushed on the wall, making it open, there was a secret hall practically there, "Awesome." She said faintly as they stepped inside to hide.

The walls were mostly all empty, there were rooms and halls everywhere, you could easily get lost if not for the signs saying what room awaited on the other side. They sat down and leaned against the door, they still had to be quiet.

On the other side, there was a knock on the front door. Alfred walked over to answer it, "Well hello officer!" He greeted.

The Runaways (A Hetalia x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now