26- The Name's Leonardo~

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The Runaways

Chapter 26

The Name's Leonardo~

"Good aftertoon! Ciao! The name's Leonardo, hon' are you guy's going to enjoy my food? I cooked it!" He sang. His blonde hair deeply resembled Lovino but he had a different aura to him. He took his pink scarf off and set it on the back of his chair.

I looked down at my food. Pasta. But why would he cook for us?

"Don't worry hon, I bet'cha I know what you're thinking. But no, I didn't do anything to this food. Completly safe to eat so dig in." He said with a warming smile. I squinted at him then turned back to my food. I was going to ask Lovino if he trusted the blonde guy, Leonardo, but Lovino was already half way done with his food. I shook my head and took a bite out of my food.

It was pretty good.

 "H-Hey... Who are you supposed to be? And... why are we here?" I asked after snapping out of that oblivious transe I was just in. "Hm?" Leonardo hummed innocently.

"Oh, well. Sorry about that, really hon, but I didn't exactly mean for your trip here to be as frightning as it was. In fact, I had it all planned out to be perfect but... as you have seen, my friends are a bit hostile. All except for Lucas and Osiris they are hella rad!" He gave a thumbs up to them both with his two hands and burt out into laughter.

I raised a brow but took another bite out of my food. I looked through the side of my eye to see the guy from earlier who looked like Antonio. "Andres!" Leonardo cheered as he came in. So his name is Andres?

Andres bent down and whispered something into Leonardo's ear. Leonardo's eye's slightly widened but he responded quickly. I couldn't hear but it must have been something important since Leonardo quixkly tried to change the mood in the room.

"So both of you," He began. Lovino and I quickly glanced at each other but then turned towards Leonardo. "Are you both like... you know...?" He asked mischievously. I pressed my lips together as if he would finish his sentence. But he didn't so I asked, "Like what?"  He was quick to roll his eyes, "Counrties!"

I was taken aback and turned back to Lovino hoping he would answer, which he did. "So the fuck if we fucking are you fucktard?" I facepalmed and shook my head sadly.

Leonardo slowly took a sip of his drink, "I'll take that as a yes, after all, you wouldn't look like me if you weren't, Romano."

I turned towards Leonardo awaiting an answer as to how he knew that. Was he a stalker? Or something else? It seems that I should know this, but I don't..

"Don't worry~ I won't tell anyone. You can think this as our sweet little secret, hon." He said to Lovino.

- Alfred's POV -

I'm a hero so being on my own shouldn't be scary! HAH! I LAUGH IN THE FACE OF DANGER!!! but then i quickly apoligise so i dont get hurt...

I just needed to find Andres first though and see what's up. I mean, seriously if these 2p douchdicks think that they're going to get away with this again, they have another thing coming! And I guess that I do have a way upper hand in this whole thing because no one suspects that I know what we are up against.

It was that last day that I sent her back to this time period that I was trying to give her a better life, but I accidently reset everything... Almost. I won't think for a second that when I sent _____ back in time to her dimention that it was perfect. For one, after I killed Allen, I forgot to see how it was that he got into our dimension. Since I didn't find out, it was that easy for us to travel to other dimensions and for others to travel into ours. SO... we ended up in the 'real' world or _____'s dimension and I guess when we got here, we altered things so badly that we are all our country's secret. No one really knows we are real. At least, that's what I think. I might have just changed something and accidently sent _____ back in time to a spot where she woke up and sort of brushed everything off as if it were a dream, and since we all forget our dreams... she forgot us. I feel there's more truth to the second but it's also sadder so I like the first theory.

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