28- Time Travel and Pirates

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The Runaways

Chapter 28

Time Travel and Pirates

I was suddenly in a void, just like the first time I went time traveling, but when I blinked again, I found myself in a ditch.

I coughed out dirt as I stood up. Where was I? No... When was I?

In the distance I could hear rambling and talking and since it sounded safe, I slowly made my way in that direction. It was strange though since it was an old fashioned village or town. Stone buildings and nice? NO JUST FUCKING NO THOSE THINGS ARE HUGE AND NOT MICE THOSE ARE RATS!!!

I jumped around to avoid stepping anywhere near them, I must have accidentally caught the attention of some nearby civilians. Though I am at least 30% sure it's not because I'm freaking out about the rats. My clothes.

What time is this? Everyone is dressed so old fashioned, petticoats, corsets, dresses, skirts, maybe it was the early 19th century? I walked further into town with my hands in my pockets, the women and men both starred at me suspiciously. I didn't really know where to turn to.

"Excuse me, but what are you wearing? That's so... Wrong!" A woman shouted from behind. I turned shyly and just admitted that I had nothing to wear. She squinted but turned away, "Follow me then young girl." She commanded.

I gulped as I followed behind this stranger with an even stranger dress on.

"You wouldn't happen to know today's date, would you?" I asked as we came near a building with a sign mounted above the door painted 'Lilian's Hats & Dresses,' she must be Lilian.

She opened the door and let me in first, "Well of course, today is March the 17th." She said sternly with her higher pitched voice. I looked down and tapped my fingers together, "I meant the year..." She frowned over at me and said slowly, "The year is 1699."

I felt my heart drop into the shallowest pits of my stomach upon hearing that. "Now, we should really get you dressed in something more fit for your gender... You are a lady, correct?" She asked. I squinted, "I am a woman and I can chose what to wear." She raised a brow, "You will dress in what is expected of a lady to wear. I will fetch you an etiquette dress and a matching hat and shoes." She retorted.

I felt shocked at hearing this but had to realise that times were different. "Fine." I simply said. She walked away and came back with a measuring string to take my measurements, "What kind of dress do you want?" She asked. "I can make it of any colours but dare I say that black is in fashion these days." She flashed a smile but I wish I hadn't seen it. Her teeth were rotting. "Or I can make you a classic petticoat with a nice ruffled dress underneath." She said.

She stopped measuring and went to pick out some fabrics, "Okay, but how much is this going to cost me?" I asked.

Her smile faded, "It'll be 40 shillings for the dress and shoes and hat and then a half sovereign for the undergarments and corset." I squinted, "How much for just the dress?" I asked. "Seven crowns but I'll give it to you for five!" Her smile returned.

I let a sigh escape my lips as I stepped away, "Okay, I do not understand you nor do I have any money, is there something I can do to work for the dress?" I asked a bit discouraged.

She pressed her lips together, "Tell you what. Why don't I make a deal with you, stranger?" A curious smile over took my face, "Depends on the kind." She walked away momentarily then came back with her hands behind her back.

"Can you kill?" She asked wide-eyed. I narrowed my eyes but didn't want to miss out on this offer, "Don't take this as an insult, but I believe you are a pirate from the ship that has recently shored at the docks and since you're a pirate, you must be ruthless enough to kill, correct?"

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