21- It's Understandable

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The Runaways

Chapter 21
It's Understandable

I stepped inside my room at the hotel that Arthur brought us all to. Since he was upset and after that show he put up, he decided to switch places with Lovino. So instead of Antonio and Lovino sharing a room, it was Lovino and I.

He walked into the room and threw down his bags by the door after he closed it.

"Ciao again." He said with a smile, "I dunno what it was you did to piss that guy off but whatever it was, I like it!" I laughed, "I don't know what exactly happened to be honest though, one moment he was yelling at me and the next he was crying harder than Antonio when he learnt he was out of the FIFA."

He laughed a little as he jumped on the other bed and turned the television on, "Yeah, but to be fair, I'd cry too if I lost any chances of winning that cup." I nodded slightly, "Yeah. With you being the country and all." I said.

Silence filled the room with the exception of the television in the background, "We aren't just land you know." He spoke at last."

"I know."

"We have feelings too and well, I don't know much about that guy except for the basics but since I don't care, I can't tell you much..." He began, "But what I can tell you is that it's hard, being like us. Because you live for so long and you never really get to enjoy it as much as you'd like to." I nodded then he looked away slightly, "Living for so long and watching everyone you love slowly die before your eyes." Lovino turned to me, "It can break a person you know." It was silent again.

"Maybe we should get some sleep." I said, already pulling the covers that I would kick off while I sleep over my body. Lovino turned the lamp off, "Goodnight _______." He said.


"Wake up Lovino!" I shouted as I lifted a pillow over my head and hit his side with it, "Give me one more damn minute!" He groaned. I hit him again with the pillow, causing feathers to fly out from one side and float down ever so gently. "Agh! I'm up!" He shouted as he sat up and rubbed his eye.

He looked around the room at the feathers then over to me, "Did you kill a chicken while I slept?" He asked. I nodded, "I was trying to restrain myself from killing for not waking up so I killed the chicken instead." He gulped and hopped off the bed at the opposite side from where I was.

"Don't kill me!" He shouted as he ran into the bathroom.

I laughed and looked over at the television. A little television couldn't kill me so I might as well watch.

I skimmed through the channels when I saw someone familiar... Alfred??

"- as far as I can remember, there isn't a whole lot I can say about what had happened. I mean, like, I was just out with my bro and some friends looking for a frie- DOG!" I swear, if he meant me and the best replacement he could think of was dog instead of something else, we have some talking to do when we get back, "Cause she's been missing for a while, but then when we got back home, our houses were on fire and um.. My brother fainted. I guess he's not used to seeing his house on fire." He then laughed mischievously as if Mathew's house has at some other point of their existence caught on fire because of some strange mishap. Or maybe even a computer that was set to blow up to save the lives of others (wink wink). But what do I know? This is the first time I've ever met these guys.

Or so I think?

Both Lovino and my eyes widened as the camera panned over the burnt houses we once lived in. We could see some of the others standing outside in shock. Many of them, I haven't even met yet but I felt so bad for all of them.

"My... House..." Lovino's words echoed behind me. I shivered and scooted to the edge of the bed. "I hope everyone's okay..." I said faintly.

I felt at least 76% guilty about this whole thing but I had to keep reminding myself that there were still lots of people there and yet no one saw who did it.

I squinted and reached for the remote again, I quickly paused it and stared at the screen for at least a minute before Lovino walked closer, "What's wrong?" He asked.

I paid him no attention but pointed at the screen, "L-Look at that. Can't you see that? It looks like a person, doesn't it?" Lovino squinted as he turned towards the screen, "Si... It does but I don't recognise them." He said.

I shook my head, "Of course, they have a mask on and their hair and everything is hidden in the darkness. But he's still there. Quickly, hand me your phone to call Alfred!" I commanded.

He pulled his phone out and clicked on Alfred's contact number then dialled it. He put it on speaker and gave me the phone. Eagerly, I stared at the screen.




"Hello?" It was Alfred's voice.

"ALFRED!" I exclaimed. Before he got a chance to say anything, I continued, "It's me, ______ and I'll explain later. Listen now. I'm watching you on the television and there was someone in the bushes!" I warned.

He paused for a moment, "Russia and a few others are going to help me look... Where are you?" He asked.

"... I'm in England." I said.

"But this is Romano's phone number, isn't it?"

"I lent it to her, dumbass." Lovino inturupted.

"Oh, sup dude." Alfred greeted, "So how did you get over there... What happened?" He then changed the subject back.

"I came here on a boat and luck happened. I met Lovino and Antonio here." I said.

There was then a lengthy pause with the exception of the staticky background noises through the phone.

Lovino turned to me and said, "I'll get the others to look. Be right back." And with that, he left to go get Antonio and Arthur.

"A-Alfred?" I called with the phone in my hands.

"Dudette. You said you're in England?" He asked finally.

I nodded even though he couldn't see, "Yeah. I'm in London right now." I said.

There was another pause but this one was shorter. At last he spoke, "______. Whatever you're watching is only being broadcasted in America... Is everything okay over there?" He asked seriously.

"Y-Yeah!" I said a bit worried.

A knock on the door set me off. "What's that?" He asked.

"Relax dude, it's just Lovino at the door. He left just a second ago." I said as I took in a breath.

I stood up and walked to the door and opened it.




"Dudette? ________? Are you still there?" Alfred called...

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