44 - Dreams and A Scarf

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The Runaways

Chapter 44

Dreams and A Scarf

"Now class, I don't want any of you to consider this as an option, but say you were to run away from home, what would you do? Write a narrative story on your adventure, remember to turn it in tomorrow. This is your homework and if it is good, I will exempt you from your finals this year." The teacher spoke in the front of the classroom.

The teacher looked around the classroom momentarily before spotting a sleeping student.

"________, wake up." The teacher ordered the girl.

She jumped up and met eye to eye with her teacher who had raised a brow, "Sleeping in class again?" He asked her sternly.

______ smiled lightly, "I thought that was your goal, to put everyone to sleep." She snickered.

Some students laughed amongst themselves as the teacher laughed lightly, "And yesterday?" He asked.

"I just thought you were a very persistent teacher!" _______ continued.

"Alright, well the bell is about to ring, just don't forget to write the narrative, _______." The teacher finished.

"No problem, Mr. Bonnefoy!" ______ smiled as the bell rung.

The students quickly poured out of their classes and into the halls, ______ walked down towards the lunchroom but heard a new friend call her from behind. "Hey, _______, you've been falling asleep in class a lot latley, are you okay at home?" The new kid Alfred asked _______. She nodded as they walked, "I'm fine, it's just that I've been having the best dreams latley."

Alfred tilted his head curiously, "What are they about?"

______ stopped momentarily as she admitted, "I have no idea, I can't remember them, but I know they're fantastic!" She continued walking and met up with her other friends at the lunch table after grabbing a tray with what the state considers to be 'food'.

"Yo Artie!" Alfred shouted obnoxiously. Arther rolled his eyes and leaned on his elbows on the table as he gripped the pencil in his hands, "Shut up. I'm busy." He sneered.

The paper was titled, "If I ran away."

______ blinked as she stared at it for a while, "Wierd." She spoke.

"What's Wierd?" Alfred asked.

"Huh? Oh, just that I could have sworn that I heard that before in one of my dreams." She replied.

"That sounds kinda cool though, kinda like déjà vu or you know, maybe if you didn't fall asleep in class you would remember that our homework is to write a story about that." He laughed.

"Yeah, right." ______ said faintly.

--- Your POV ---

After a moment of silence, Arthur's head popped up as he looked at me. "_____!" I almost forgot." He said.

He leaned over the table and stared at a red necklace my parents got me, well that's what I say to everyone, and that's what I think. I just found it at the foot of my bed that day I got home from school so I figured it was from my parents. It was cracked though, badly cracked but I wear it carefully. It's a ruby I think, because it's red.

"Someone I know who is from France is coming to visit me at my house for a month or so and I think he might be able to repair your necklace." Arthur spoke.

"All the way from France?" I asked a bit dumbstruck. "Yeah, he is related to Mr. Bonnefoy." Arthur responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

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