19- While with Romano

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The Runaways

Chapter 19
While with Romano

Antonio, Lovino, and I were all in a car on our way to London. Antonio said it was fine if I tagged along since we were going to meet and looking for the same person, Arthur.

Lovino said that he didn't give a fuck...

Soon after, we finally arrived and I was just so happy to get out and step on land again, it was just a car ride, but Lovino and Antonio kept arguing and shouting.

"No don't hug me you bastard!" Lovino would shout, but in the end, Antonio would somehow 'convince' him.

As I looked around, Antonio's phone rang. "Si... I mean! Yes?" He answered.

There was a pause and many nods, "Alright, we are just going in anyways." He said. And with that, we all began walking towards a rather large building. I could tell that this was something important since the windows were all tinted black, they were one way windows. The doors had bars so that no one could just waltz in, and there were security guards almost everywhere.

I tensed up as we got closer to the doors. "Ah- what?" Antonio asked. He was already talking to the man who let people in, I must not have noticed. He turned back at us sadly, "Sorry you guys! Turns out that Arthur only got me a ticket, can you two wait out here? I'll be quick with this!" He said sadly.

Lovino crossed his arms, "Whatever, just meet us at that big ass spiny wheel thing I saw earlier. I wanna ride that before that German potato loving bastard ruins it." He complained angrily. I laughed at that. Did he mean Ludwig? He and everyone else were still in Washingon.

"Okay then..." Antonio began softly, "Just be careful, okay?" Lovino nodded and waved his hand, "Yeah, yeah, relax you churro freak." He began walking away so quickly that it left a sad face on Antonio. I felt sorry for him, but went on to follow Lovino. Dear god, I hope we don't end up lost...

"There it is!" I smiled widely as I pointed to the giant Ferris wheel." Lovino frowned, "Eh, it's not as big as-" before he could finish, I grabbed his arm and began running towards it.

I could not let him finish that sentence.


"Does it cost money to get on?" I asked as I turned towards him. "Probably... Don't worry bella, I got this!" He began to walk straight to the front of the line. I watched a bit confused, but moment later, he came back with two tickets.

"How did you manage to do that? I know you don't have any money!" I stated.

He flashed a smile, "Easy, I'm Italian."


"Women love Italians~"

I facepalmed as he began running towards the ride, "but we better run so neither of them see me again." He warned.

This left me questioning what it was he did.

-Not long ago in Lovino's POV-

Yeah, it was easy, all I gotta do is flirt with a woman and tell her in a sad voice that I don't have money but I would love to ride with her, alone, for quite some time.

It works better if I compliment her before saying that. Since I just need two tickets, I'll talk to two girls, then run back to ________ before she can say what a fail I am.

And since I don't have any stupid English money because Spain took it, I'll just, well yeah, I already stated my point, keep up!

With my great plan in mind, I made my way near the front, where a blonde lady with green eyes was standing.

"Ciao, are you riding this alone?"
I asked smoothly. Her face quickly heated up. What the hell? I only asked her a question. I don't understand women. I wish. But I don't.

"Y-Yes..." She stuttered to say. I smiled, "That's no fun, everyone needs someone to ride with, right?" She scratched the back of her head nervously, "Y-Yeah... I suppose so." She smiled lightly.

"I wish I could ride with you-" I began before she cut me off, "Why don't you?" She asked a lot louder than before. I shrugged and patted my pockets, "I have no money." I spoke sadly. She blushed a deeper shade of red, "I have money for an extra ticket!" She said as she handed me the ticket she had and pulled out some more money, "I'll be right back!" She shouted now as she began running towards the ticket stand to buy another ticket for herself.

Wow... She actually gave me her ticket. A stranger, who talked to her... And she went through all this trouble for me... We didn't even get each other's names...

Damn! That's going to be a fucking disappointment! Being close to you was not my intention! I just need another ticket! Hah, this was easy!

I now walked to another woman, one who was a bit farther than this one so she didn't see me again.

"Ciao, are you actually going to ride this all alone?" I asked with a smile. The woman swung her hips around before her head, "Why?" She shouted, "You wanna go with me?" I took a step back at her sudden response.

"Shit boy! You fine!" She state rather loudly. Why was my face feeling so hot??

"Shanika! Look! This sexy man say he wanna ride this shit with me!" She shouted loudly before they both began squealing. I took another step backwards before the other girl and her both hugged me, "I!!! I can't breathe!!!" Tried to shout as they both let me go.

"My name is Mia!" She shouted as she set her hand on her hips, "what's yo name?" She asked rather loudly again.

I gulped in fear, "M-My name..... Is... ANTONIO!" I shouted too. My entire body was shaking. "Damn that's sexy, what are you? You Italian? Or nah?" She now asked, "your voice sounds weird and shit!" She stated. I shivered fearfully, "No! No! No! I'm from Spain!" I shivered more. Dammit!

"Aww! Sexier! I hear that Spanish men can-" I had to end this, "Look, I gotta go now!" I shouted loudly, I had to run!

"Wait!!" She shouted as she grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me back, "WHAT, DAMMIT?" I shouted angrily as I fell to the floor, "What's yo number?"

I jumped up and tried to run away, "I don't have one!" I shouted.

"I saw your phone in your back pocket!" She shouted. "If you gimme your number I'll give ya my ticket to the ride!" She shouted.

This caught my attention. "Fine! Hand it over!" I shouted angrily.

She did, easily, and so, I pulled my phone out and began to tell her my phone number.

But actually, correct me now, I gave her England's number for not counting me in for that building place shit.

Not that I wanted to go...

-Back to the current time, your POV-

I stared ahead of me as we began to get on the cart thing.

This was perfect.

Sadly, the one I wanted here was too busy for me.

The Runaways (A Hetalia x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now