23- Phones

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The Runaways

Chapter 23


- Arthur's POV -

"Okay, let's go then." Spain said. He combed over his hair once more with a smile on his face as he starred into the mirror. I walked towards the door and stepped outside to go to ____'s room, who was just beside ours.

I knocked on the door a few times but to no avail, there was no answer. I knocked again, but there was still no answer.

Spain came out of our room and turned to me, "Have they not answered yet?" I sighed deeply and turned towards him, "Well apparently not!" I said bluntly.

He pulled out his wallet and took a key card out, I moved aside and let him open it, "How come you have a key to their room?" I asked. He shrugged, "I guess I forgot to give it to Roma when you two switched rooms." I nodded and walked inside the room to look around.

Spain walked past me as I stopped to check the bathroom. I looked around but there was no one. As suspected. I went back to where Spain was but he was only staring at the television.

"Why's it paused?" I asked.

"It was like this when we entered. And I think I know why. Look here." He pointed at a figure on the television, he had a white mask on and seemed to be hidden in the bushes.

"Rewind whatever this is so we can see what's happenening." I said.

Spain took the remote and rewinded it back a minute then hit play.

There, we saw everything.

"This can't be true. Our homes are burnt." I said. My throat seemed to hurt when I tried to force myself to speak. It was just a sad feeling of dispair. After the minute, it showed the scene that the tv was paused on when we entered. The camera man must have noticed the man in the bushes and caught him or it was an accident. As if they were trying to get the attention of the viewers.

"I'll call America..." I said as I pulled my phone out of my front pocket and took a few steps back. There was no answer. He must be on the line with someone else.

I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. Where were they? "Doesn't Romano have a phone?" I asked. Spain didn't say anything for a moment then he replied, "He usually has it in his bag though, he doesn't always carry it around with him." I walked back towards Spain to see him looking through Romano's bag, "It's not in here. Try calling him." I dialled his number on my phone and called.

Yet again, "There's no answer." I said.

Spain stood up and walked around the room a few times, "What are you doing?" I asked. Spain didn't look at me, he just continued looking around but replied, "I'm playing detective, no? Maybe they're playing as the victims and this is a case we have to solve?"

My eyes lit up an my heart skipped a beat. "Sherlock" I said in something less than a whisper. Spain took a step away from me, "Oh no..."

"Watson! Go fetch me my scarf and coat!" I commanded. Spain's eyes widened and he repeated what he had said a while back, "pinche gringo loco..." But I don't speak Spanish so I can't say it impacts me as much as a Spanish person would think.

I inspected the room and looked under the beds and even in the closet.

"Watson. You said the television was paused in that exact spot with a man who appears to be the man who burnt our houses, corect?"

Spain *ehem* Watson nodded slowly, "¿Si?" He said unsure.

"Well, I have a theory but it might be a crazy one!"

"Oh boy..."

"The man on the screen obviously did this entire thing. He teleported here in the blink of an eye, impersonated you and managed to get the room numbers. Thus allowing him to capture ______ and Romano to exploit them or use them as bait to lure us in and do harm to us all."

Spain sighed showing much disdain for me.

"Not only that! No! While _____ and Romano were watching the television, they saw this and when the scene came on with the man in the bushes, one of them paused the television on that scene. I am guessing it was ______ who paused the television to call America, who still has not returned the call, to tell him about the man. That is the reason that our friends are seen wandering about on the television in the next scene."

Spain looked down at his watch and rolled his eyes at me.

"But that's not it!" I exclaimed. "It was Romano's phone that ____ was using to call Romano and that is why the phone is not here with us now. Not only that, the reason that America has not responded to me yet is also because he is still on the line with ____ who is still using Romano's phone. Also, of _____ and Romano are both missing, then they must be together since they disappeared at the same time. So all we have to do now is look at the video footage in the office of the hotel and find out where this villainous man has gone with both Romano and _____ before he does something impetuous."

I took in a deep breath then smiled with my hands proudly on my hips. I am so great at mystery cases like this!

"England.... That is the most ridiculous thing I have every heard. And trust me. I have heard a lot of things in my whole life." He pulled his phone out and clicked on an app, "Plus we don't have to do any of that. I had a tracking device put into Romano's phone. So if ____ and him are close then we will find them soon."


"No. Now we leave!" He commanded.

I let out a sigh and bowed my head as I followed behind me. I still can't believe people don't understand my skills, I'm so underestimated nowadays.

- First Person POV -

"So this is the diner?" I asked Antonio. He grumpily nodded from behind.

I nervously clenched Lovino's phone to my chest so that Antonio couldn't see. I could hear Alfred whispering to me through the phone, "Don't worry! You'll be okay! Don't do anything that can put your life at risk, in sure help is on the way. I won't hang up just stay with me okay?" His voice seemed to calm me as we walked. Whoever this man was, he was not without a shadow of a doubt Antonio.

I could hears Lovino's footsteps behind me. He was just as tense as I was. I shivered slightly as I looked up at the diner.

The lights flickered on and off, but the red in the lights wasn't even red anymore. It was more of an orange. The windows were tinted black and they were one way windows. Only those on the inside could look out. I tried to hide the phone in my shirt with it being as invisible as possible.

I shivered again but then felt something wrap itself around me. I looked over to my side to see Lovino wrap his black wool coat around my shoulders. I smiled faintly and put it on. This was a much easier way to hide the phone.

"Thanks." I said faintly. "No problemo." Lovino replied.

I smiled foreword and whispered into the phone, "Help us."

Alfred didn't reply right away. But then he did, "Sorry, England was calling me. That means he might be looking for you soon too. Put Lovino's phone on mute so you don't get caught." Be advised.

I did as so and turned it on mute and turned the volume as low as I could but not so low that I wouldn't be able to hear Alfred on the other end.

I closed my eyes as the doors before me opened on their own. There, I was welcomed by two others.

One with a white suit. One with a black suit. The one with the white suit had black hair while the one with the black suit had white hair. They were like opposites but still like the same person.

They gave a vice smirk as Lovino and I entered the room. I gulped and clenched the coat around myself tighter.

"Please hurry though." I said faintly below a whisper into the phone as I felt it vibrate in the coat pocket. That must be Arthur calling by now...

The Runaways (A Hetalia x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now