29- Setting Sail

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The Runaways
Chapter 29
Setting Sail

I was a bit hesitant when I awoke to find myself sleeping on a bench. Right, I had forgotten that this wasn't a dream but reality.

I felt as if I should have been more afraid of my current situation and yes, it was quite a bit to grasp, but I was taking it rather easily. Plus, sure the others still have the blue watch thingie and are on their way here as I question this!

I stood up and stretched out as I began to make my way towards te docks to go aboard Kirkland S.S. Heh, but I bet it's not going to be as pleasant as I think it might be. I bet there will be tough pirates fighting and gambling and drinking rum aboard, I bet that they kill each other to see who is the toughest man to be captain!

I bet... I bet they don't even have a bed time!


"Welcome aboard to my ship, now before we carry on there are some rules you must abide by. There is no fighting because it is dangerous, it can wreck the ship, and it's stupid so if you come to a disagreement with another crew member, settle it on the mainland when we get there." England said to Osiris and I.

"Also, there is no gambling either, save your money for a rainy day! Also, the rum is scarce so there is no drinking allowed. Everything is settled democratically so yes, I was voted to be captin, and if a choice comes up, we will all vote on it so if you do to want to do it, no ones making you!" He added with a smile.

"Also, bed time is eight o' clock, you better be asleep by then so that you can be ready for tomorrow!"

He turned ever so slightly towards me and glared, "And I don't know where you heard that name from, but you will call me Captain Kirkland from this point on, understood?"

I nodded and he turned away and began walking, Osiris and I followed until he stopped and frowned, "You two are free to explore the ship on your own for the time being, but you, Alfred, meet me in my quarters once you have finished breakfast in the dining room." I was a bit confused when I remembered.

I'm Alfred Fucking Jones. Heh, Alfred F. Jones.

I don't know why I was feeling so cocky, but it must be either because it runs in the name, or because I already knew England and even though he hasn't actually 'met' me yet, I still feel a close bond between us both.

I was walking around boldly and though I had no clue were I was headed, I didn't feel lost. Some of the men aboard turned to me confused but didn't really bother to question me since a few saw me get on the ship with Mr. Kirkles.

Osiris must have thought that I knew where I was headed though, so even though he most likely hated me, he followed behind me, just quiet, thus leaving an unsociable atmosphere between us.

I was pretty confident until we heard a bell go off in the distance. I tensed up but it only meant it was noon, that means that we were going to be leaving now. The men shouted and they finished pulling some crates onto the ship and before I knew it, we were moving.

"Lunch time!" Shouted a man from a distance. The ship was pretty big but I didn't know exactly where I was headed so I followed some of the other pirates on the ship and Osiris silently walked behind me.

We both stuck together for a while though we both restrained from talking I each other. We grabbed a plate and were served cut up fish. My stomach hurt as I stared at it and my nose stung.

"Well aren't you gonna finish that?" Osiris asked, finally breaking the horrid silence. I shook my head as I stared at the fish and remembered Ireland and Seamus. I gained a liking for them but a hatred for the fish. My god I do I hate fish...

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