30- Stowaway

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The Runaways

Chapter 30


Osiris and I became friends over the past week. Since the other pirate guys look completely terryfying, we really just hang with each other. No one really cares. And it turns out that he was practically used to seeing his friends, well, crew being slaughtered. So to be candid, I said sorry and he said it's cool.

Also, the ship itself is pretty big so he and I managed to get a cabin, room, thing, whatever with each other. But that didn't really work out on my end.

"So tell my why that lady, Lilian, knew you." Osiris said as I folded my future clothes and a pair of clothes that was given to me in my awesome satchel. God I love satchels.

I turned towards him, that was a week ago so why ask now, "She asked me to do her a favour, if I assassinated some men, she'd make me some clothing." I admitted.

Osiris frowned, "You would assassinate humans for clothing? How desperate were you?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't exactly have money, and I'm a little new to this whole 'past' thing." I said, forgetting that he wasn't particularly my friend or foe.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, that... Where I'm from, it's far more advanced and I'm so much wealthier, and while I was walking around, I got lost and someone robbed me of my money and then she found me an told me my clothing wasn't nice." I bit my bottom lip.

"If you care so much about your clothing, enough to kill to get more, what kind of clothing did you have on before that?" He asked.

I hid my satchel behind me, "N-Nothing. I was naked."

He took a step closer, "You're lying. You killed my crew, the least you could do is tell me exactly who you are. Because there is no one who is 'out of style' because the fashion here is everywhere in England."

I gulped, "Well, that's just it. I'm from.. France."

He squinted and jumped up, he quickly snatched my satchel from behind me before I could react. "Hand that back to me before I have your liver for breakfast!" I threatened, but to my sadness, he was already scrambling through it, and he pulled out my hella sweet converse.

"What are these?" He asked.

"Those are some shoes I was going to deliver to a-" he cut me off and shoved my satchel with my shoes at me.

"Who are you?" He repeated. I frowned slightly then looked him in his dark brown eyes, funny, they seem black from afar.

"I will tell you. Under one condition." I began. "You cannot tell anyone else. This secret must remain between you and I. Understood?" I finished.

He walked past me and sat on the bottom hammock bed thing that we sleep on. "Deal. I will not tell anyone of your secret." He said.

I could look into his eyes as I spoke, "In truth, I am a girl." I said. I really didn't want to tell him about the fact that I am also from the future because then, things might change a bit. So I'll just tell him that I'm a girl. "I cut my hair the day I met Lilian so that I would resemble a man, and honestly, I'm surprised no one has actually found out yet. I have only bound my chest, that's it really. My voice is still normal and I still act normal. So... Damn, either standards have changed or everyone is somewhat stupid." I scratched my head and unbuttoned my shirt a little to show him the binding tape that was wrapped around me.

His eyes widened slightly as he turned to look at me, "Okay, wow." He said.

I buttoned my shirt back up and sat down as I put my converse back into my satchel, "You can't tell anyone. Especially the captain, or he will practically kill me for lying... And that would suck since he won't remember me for a long time." My voice sounded a bit more sorrow than I intended.

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