5- Sorry

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The Runaways

Chapter Five


A tall boy with blonde, wavy hair and glasses opened the door, "Oh, hey Arthur!" He smiled. I looked over at Arthur, "Ay, is this your friend?" I asked. Arthur nodded, "Yes, this is Alfred." I nodded as the boy sighed, "I told you already, my name is Mathew, Alfred is still away in the capital." Arthur tilted his head, "Oh, well, that's okay, can we come in now?" Mathew nodded a few times, "Yes, sorry! Come in!"

We stepped inside and I looked around in awe, "It's pretty big, aye? Don't you ever just.. Like... Get lost?" I asked with an interesting image in mind. This is rated 13+ story so I will not explain further.. Heh...

"I did at first, but it's almost like home now, and I've learned my way around here, so it's easy." Mathew said timidly. I smiled, "Sweet, I remember my house was never this big!" Arthur looked over, "Eh, it's too Americanish." I looked over at him, "Americanish? Americanish?? Are you making words up to hide your true feelings on how huge this house is?" I asked harshly. He shook his head, "It must be a word, my autocorrect isn't saying it's misspelled."



Mathew offered us some maple syrup and soda, it's better than it sounded. We were sitting in the living room and watching television, Mathew had it turned to a hockey game. Guess who was loosing? "Not this guy!" Mathew sang as they got another point in the game. I looked at Arthur then at Mathew, why were they so... Patriotic? As if they were completely loyal to something. I know the word, but at the same time, I don't know what the word is. It's as if they're so patriotic, but what's the next word? It's such a common word, but I can't think of it.

"What are you thinking of?" Arthur asked. I looked at him wide-eyed, "Countries." I said faintly. He must not have heard, "Pardon me?" He asked. I set my head on my knees as I kicked my feet on the couch with me. "I said 'countries', that's the word I was thinking of." Mathew turned his attention towards me, "Why were you thinking of that word?" I looked over at him, "Because you all act like like a country." We sat in silence for a moment, until I burst into laughter, "But that would be ridiculous!" They awkwardly joined in with my laugh. "Y-Yeah, that is-OH MY MAPLE!" Mathew shouted eagerly. Arthur and I looked at him, then at the television. There was another point.

"S-Sorry..." He said faintly after realising he shouted. I laughed and took a sip of my soda, "So, since you and this other guy, your brother, are twins, why do you two seem so different to me?" I asked as I looked around the patriotic living room, American flags, eagle paintings, even a painting of George Washington riding an eagle with an American flag background. I have to admit, that one was pretty awesome.

Mathew smiled, "We really aren't that different, except for the fact that I'm nicer, and don't have as many enemies as him, and I'm not as loud... Or fat." Arthur inturupted, "Mathew has more manners and speaks French, however Alfred is louder and annoying, and stupid and so not a gentle man, and I'm older so why in the bloody world is he so much taller than me and-!" Wide-eyed, I interrupted him before it was too late, "I get it! So he's like the American and Mathew is the Canadian of the family." I giggled and looked at Arthur, "and you are the disappointed father... And I'm guessing that the wife would have spoken French?" Mathew burst into laughter and Arthur turned away angrily. Leaving me confused, seriously now, what was so funny?

My dog jumped around on the floor, eating some of the doggy ice cream that Mathew gave her. Just so you know, ice cream labels should be bigger, I accidentally ate some of it when Mathew set it on the coffee table before me. And it looked like human ice cream... Too bad.

"So, how did you two meet?" Mathew asked. I turned towards Arthur so that he could explain. British accent, he had a British accent, of course I would rather hear him explain it like that rather than doing it myself.

"It's rather a long story." Arthur commented, "Sorry, but I do have time!" Mathew smiled gently.

"In that case, listen close, because I won't repeat it!" Arthur warned, "Yesterday or so, she ran away from home."

Mathew let out a long, "Oh!" Making Arthur turn towards him, "Yes, and so I... Sort of... Ran away from my home too and we robbed a gas station and a car." This made Mathew face palm, "You stole a car?" He asked, obviously angered a bit. "... And robbed a gas station." I added proudly. Mathew let out a devastated sigh, "Eh well, I'm sure that Alfred can fix this, maybe. We can't have you arrested for a felony." Arthur gave a nod, "Yes, that would be bad, assuming." I sat still waiting for him to finish his sentence, assuming what? But he never finished.

"Oh, sorry!" Mathew blurted some time later, "I forgot to ask, what's your name?" He looked at me and I answered, "______." Mathew smiled, "Well it's nice to meet you, _________." I gave a slight nod, "Like wise."


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I finished it last week, but I forgot to press PUBLISH. e-e

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*whispers* and you will...

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