42 - Present Time

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The Runaways

Chapter 42

Present Time

"Dudette? Duuudeeeettttee?" I heard someone call.

I opened my eyes slightly to see some blue eyes behind glasses and a wide smile.

"Dudette!" He cheered.

For a moment, I was very confused. How did I get here? I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Hi!" He smiled.

I looked around the room filled with familiar faces and then responded, "Hey."

"Bonjour, how was your trip to the past?" France asked.

A rush of fear went through my spine and on instinct I reached to where my sweet ass satchel should have been so that I could pull out my dagger or sword or whatever it was I usually carried in there, but it wasn't there.

"My satchel?" I asked, quickly pulling a pillow to my defence and aiming it at France.

"Well I dunno how much damage a pillow can do, but your stuff is over there." He pointed to a closet in the room.

"And that pillow won't do you much good if you want to hit France with it." He added.

I sighed and laid the pillow down. Oh what being a pirate for so long can make out of a person.

I laid my head back on the pillow when I realised that I was in a hospital. "How did I get here?" I asked a bit dumbstruck. I was also in a hospital gown which was also new. "And who dressed me?" I shivered.

"The nurse did and we brought you and England here after you came back." Russia answered with a smile. He had set a sunflower in the case beside my bed. D'aww!

"Oh right! England! Is he okay?" I asked as I turned my head towards America, but he shrugged. "He is in surgery right now, so we have to wait until tomorrow, the doctor said." He explained.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I covered my face with my cold hands, "crap. So that part was real too.. I kind of thought that maybe I found a way back by jumping into the water or something. I guess not though since here I am!"

I moved my hands down into my neck to feel the chain of the red necklace was still there. Okay, good...

I pulled the heel in front of my face to look at it's crookedness...

Except, it wasn't crooked at all.

It was perfectly red as if it was never cracked.

Maybe it just needed some time to heal? Or maybe... Maybe it was was just time for me to go home. To my real home?

"No..." I muttered, causing their eyes to wander onto me. I just didn't want to go home, that's why I was here in the first place.

"What's wrong?" America asked.

"Nothing." I lied. I forced myself to sit up again. My legs were tired too now, which was weird because I was wearing heavier clothes before and was out in the sun for so long and I did walk a lot and- well, I know that while wearing this light as fuck hospital gown, I should be walking straight.

I tried to stand up but found it hopeless and collapsed back onto the bed.

"Okay then. I give up. America, do what you do best and send me away." I said as I closed my eyes. This was the moment he was supposed to hit that red necklace and force me back to my dimension, or something.

Probably something, after a while I guess I just lost my memory about most things even the most important things. Like, how time travel worked.

I mean, thinking back on it from my perspective there are a lot of things I am missing, I just hope that I can remember to write this all down in time so that I won't 'exactly' ever forget, even when I do forget my entire adventure...

"What do you mean?" America rudely interrupted my internal monologue.

"Just like, press on the necklace like the last time and send me away. Then this will all be over, ay?" I retorted.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms *sas* then replied, "Dudette, we just got you back and you aren't leaving just yet. And if you do want to leave, you can't leave until after England sees you again too. It was pretty hard on all of us, you know."

I sighed deeply. The kind of sigh that allows readers and people around you that something is up, but in this case something was not in fact up but rather down. And that thing that was down was not a something but a someone and me. I was pretty down. It's hard being a time traveler especially when others force you to do it, I mean, seriously. Looking back on the parts of my life that aren't completely vague, most of my story has been accidents that others inflict on my by causing me to time travel to irrational points if time, and somehow, I manage to fuck it up in the best ways.

I guess that's okay though-

"Um. Are you having an internal monologue? Because you have been staring out the window for the past few minutes." America interrupted again.

"Well, not anymore!" I shouted, "And fine, I'll stay, it's not like I'm in a rush to go home or anything." I said.

He apologised thinking that I was being sarcastic, but no. I was really in no rush. This has been quite the adventure that tumblr and netflix couldn't compare to a life threatening adventure with these guys.

"No really, I'm not in any kind of rush." I assured him. He smiled and spoke, "Alright, well I'm going out to get some burgers for all of us!"

Russia shook his head with a smile as he followed behind. "I'm going to go with him to make sure he doesn't get any."

I nodded slowly and pulled the remote for the tv towards me, "hey, ______," France spoke as he sat in a seat by the window.

"Yeah?" I asked, not exactly looking at him.

"You're different." He spoke.

I blinked one time as I processed that, then turned towards him, "How so?" I asked.

"Well, you've seen so much, parts of the millions of things we have lived but not necessarily the the worst parts." He explained, "When we first met you, you were so much happier and not in any danger." He spoke with a slightly smile.

"yeah, it's been a real eye opener, but I haven't changed that much, have I?" I asked.

He shrugged, "While you were in the past, did you think of us? Did you think we were coming for you?"

"Well yeah, at first, like, for a long time. For more than a month even. But I guess I kind of forgot every now and then because I thought it was all a really clear dream, but the way that u was able to remember things like about future events, that sort of kept me confused." I crossed my arms and looked back at the tv, "But I told Scotland a lot and he kept me believing that there was a future for me. Or that there was."

He nodded slightly again then stood up, "I guess I can understand it then, change has to happen for the world to keep turning, so let's just keep it as a positive change, oui?"

"For now you should rest though, you look very unhealthy, didn't you eat correctly on that ship?" He asked. I shook my head with a faint smile, "No, but I got to see you guys when you were seriously active, and may I just say, don't ever hire people to do your dirty work." He laughed a little then left the room, "Goodnight, ________." He finally said.

"Goodnight, France!" I smiled, resting my head on my pillow once again.



XD thank you for reading my stories, everyone!!!

And since I haven't updated in a bit, here's a triple chapter combo!!!

Anyways, ending is approaching soon!


But not yet so let's live it up!

Don't forget to smile either! ;u;

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