2- The Proposal

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The Runaways

Chapter Two
The Proposal

"Arthur... Kirkland..." You spoke gently, "That's a nice name." He blushed lighty, "Thanks, now explain yourself."

You sighed, "Well, it's kind of a really long story." He rolled his eyes, "I have time, do you?" You quickly pulled your phone out to check the time, "Only three hours and I'm hoping to be out of state by then." He chuckled as you sat up, "What's so funny?" You asked.

"Well," he explained, "You have three hours left but even by running, you wouldn't get there in time." You took a sip of the cold slushie, "I don't care, I'll still be far from home and I'll be able to leave soon." You both sat in silence, "Where are you headed?" He finally asked. You looked up at him hopefully, "I want to get to Tennessee."

"But why there?" He began, "Do you have relatives?" You shook your head, "No, but I did my research and it's not... Well it's not a crime to runaway..." You answered, now unsure of yourself. He frowned, "I'm sure it's illegal everywhere, but fine."

You looked back at him again, "Fine what?" You asked, forgetting the entire point of the conversation.

"Fine, I won't give out your little secret." He finished. You smiled, "Thank you so much, Arthur!" He gave back a warming smile, "Actually." You paused and turned towards him, "Wait, after I told you all that, you are still making me do more stuff? You frowned.

"I get to tag along as well, I have a friend in Washington D.C. He can help us out, also, my step-father owns this place, but he is usually too drunk to stand, but when he's sober he's really a... A bad man..."

His expression changed from a strong man to a sad child, you felt yourself tense up, as if you wanted to hug this guy.

He continued, "stay here, I'll turn the cameras off for an hour, we will get what we need then we will use my dad's car and drive to the state border. Okay?" You didn't know how to feel - but you were now more than ever, thankful.

You smiled, "Thank you so much, Arthur!" You grinned. He gave a slight nod, "Just a moment, and don't look into the camera." You nodded and looked out the window as he left momentarily... Coming back with two large garbage bags, "let's do this!" He smirked.

You took a bag and did what you always wanted to, dumping all the items from all the shelves into the plastic bag, you both laughed as you filled them, "my bag is full!" Arthur called out as he handed you his bag and swung his keys on his index finger, "I'll make this quick."

He ran outside and pulled in front of the gas station in his father's red minivan, you smiled in awe as you skipped outside, putting your new stuff into the back seats, along with your dog and personal items.

As you both drove off, you turned to him, "Arthur? If you're fourteen like me... How can you drive legally?" You asked in a dubious manner, he gave a sneaky smirk, "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me now would you, love?"

Before you knew it, you were both laughing at jokes you both made and you both talked about your life. Something about him though was very strange, not to mention that you practically trusted him the second you met. But how? Who was this stranger, really? Now you both were running away together as if it were nothing. You paid it no more thought as you laid back and opened a bag of chips and a coke. You did have a long way until you arrived at Washington D.C. With this guy's mysterious friend...


Okay I'll try to update more often, it's kinda hard sometimes though because I forget what I wrote about and I have to reread then find time to type and post! WELL, it's not that hard but eh. e-e

The Runaways (A Hetalia x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now