Your parents don't Like him

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Brad is meeting your parents tonight and your worried that they won't like him, they never liked any of your exes, so you just assume they aren't good enough but with Brad you know his good enough. Your dad was in a band and he gave it up coz mom was pregnant with my older brother, Jase. Jase is a doctor. I am a YouTuber and have 6 million subs. Brad is nervous, which I understand because my dad is scary. "Y/n his going to hate me" said Brad. "Hey he won't he hated my last ones, coz they were douches, your not so he will" said Y/n. "I know but your his daughter. Only daughter" said Brad. "Yeah and he'll get over it. Plus my mom was a model. My family all worked in the industry" said Y/n. "Yeah but your brother is a doctor, your dad an instructor for fitness and your mom a yoga instructor they went for normal jobs where else your a YouTuber and I'm in a band" said Brad. "Yeah and so was dad. He knows the deal" said Y/n. We get there and I knock. Jase answers. "Y/n your here! You must be Brad! Come in, warning you now dad and mom are not liking that his in a band" said Jase. "Really?" Asked Y/n. "Yeah" said Jase. We go in. "Hi Mrs Y/M/N and Mr Y/D/N how are you?" Asked Brad. "Good. Sit. Let's have a chat" said Y/D/N. We sit. I can sense Brad's nerves. Brad is shivering. "So your in The Vamps. How many times do you go on tour for?" Asked dad. "Um half a year sometimes. Takes around one or two months to tour UK and Ireland then we do a Europe shows and then either after or before America tour. So nearly a year but Y/n joins for UK and Ireland and sometimes Europe and then she comes on the America tour with me so we see each other. It's easier that way" said Brad. "Well my daughter deserves a stable relationship in Britain" said dad. "Dad no Brad treats me like a princess! I love him! I bought him here hoping you would at least try to like him. Come on Brad we're leaving. I'm not coming back until you learn to accept us." Said Y/n. We left. We go home and just relax.
James is meeting my dad today. My mom died when I was 15. So he is protective over me. I know why his afraid something will happen to me but I'm scared he'll hate James, but James is the sweetest man in the world. "Honey you ready?" Asked James. "Yeah I guess" said Y/n. We get in the car and drive to my dads house. We knock and he answers. "Hi sweetie" said dad. We go in and sit down and eat. We finish then we talk. "I heard your in a band" said dad. "Yeah" said Y/n. "Well I just want to know one thing do you love my daughter?" asked dad. "Yes. When I met her at Starbucks, I literally spilt my coffee on her and she was so nice about it and I bought her a new shirt and hot chocolate. We swapped numbers and here we are, dating" said James. "Hot coffee? Your nearly burnt my daughter. What else did you do to her? Spill hot food on her" said dad. "What? No!" said James. "I think you want to hurt her" said dad. "Dad stop" said Y/N. "No. James get out" said dad. I stand up and walk out with James. "I'm sorry" said Y/N. "It' not your fault, it's your dad's not yours" said James. 


Your mom and dad hate you having boyfriends. And you understand your exes were cheaters, but Con is different. His not a cheater. His a perfect gentleman. Con knows your parents history with you and boyfriends, so he doesn't expect them to like him. You are getting ready when Con walks in and he sits down. "I love you, no matter what your dad says" said Con. "I love you too" said Y/N. We finish everything and get going. We get there and I open the door and we go inisde. Mom and dad are frowning. "So your Connor Ball?" asked mom. "Yes, Mrs Y/M/N." said Con.  "Bassist in The Vamps. Tell me have you cheated on my daughter?" asked mom. "No, never" said Con. "Ever looked at a girl with lust other then Y/N?" asked mom. "No! I love her." said Con. "Yeah right" said mom. I just frown and stand up. "Mom, dad I love you but I also love Con, so we are leaving." said Y/N. We left. 


Me and Tris are going to my brothers birthday party, his turning 9. We get there and go in. Evan runs to me and hugs me and Tris. Even loves Tris. Mom and dad hate him. 

"Hun why did you bring him?" asked mom. "His my boyfriend. I will bring him, and Evan loves him. Don't start something at his birthday. His 9, just celebrate," said Y/N. "Only if he leaves" said mom. I walk off. "Come on me and Tris are going to play in the bouncy castle with you" said Y/N. Evan nods. We take our shoes off and get on. We are having a good time. We get off, blow out his candles.

"Y/N Tristan has to leave now," said mom. "Fine. Come on Tris" said Y/N. We leave and go home. When we get home we just relax and have fun.

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now