Pregnancy series final part

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Brad worries and labour!

It's the sixth October and it's your ninth month pregnant, also your last month. Your two days over due. Brad has been acting strange for the past two days. I think his either worried or just scared. "Brad you OK?" asked Y/N. "Yeah. I'm going for a walk" said Brad. I nod. He left. I decide to text James, to ask him does he know. I know it sounds like I don't trust him, I'm worried for him. 

To James

Hey do you know what's wrong with James?? 

From James

Oh I dunno, he hasn't really talked to us much in the last two days. Where is he?

To James

Out for a walk

From James


I go put a coat on and I go out and walk down the road. I spot Brad sitting on a bench. I sit beside him. "Brad tell me what's wrong?" asked Y/N. "I'm worried" said Brad. "Why?" asked Y/N. "What if Mini Simpson hates me?" asked Brad. "She won't, your amazing. I love you, she loves you already. When she hears your voice she kicks, when you sing to her she kicks. When she hears you on the TV, radio whatever is on, she kicks so hard it feels like she is kicking her way out. I'm worried too, you know, if I'm not a good mom, if she hates me. Everyone has these fears, baby. Not just you. I love you. Bells love you. Jesse loves you. Everyone loves you" said Y/N.  "Thank you so so much for this!" said Brad. I kiss him. We go home.

I cook lunch and all of a sudden I feel something wet between my legs. "BRAD I WENT INTO LABOUR!!" yelled Y/N. Brad runs in with the hospital bag, he helps me into the car. I smile to him. He gets in and drives. I scream when I feel a contraction. "BRAD HURRY THE FUCK UP" yelled Y/N. He drives faster. We finally get there and we go in. "MY FINANCE IS IN LABOUR!" yelled Brad. A nurse came over and helped us into a room. "Who is your doctor?" asked nurse. "Doctor Kelsey.... well Midwife" said Brad. Doctor Kelsey runs in. "OK Y/N I am going to see how dilated you are" said Kelsey. I nod. "Your 9cm, breathe on gas and air and I'll be back to check. 

1 hour later

She comes back in. "I'm going to check..... your 10cm! You can push" said Kelsey. I push and scream and I keep doing that. Soon I hear a baby crying. Brad cuts the umbilical cord. They take her away to clean her. I feel the need to push. "Kelsey I need to push" said Y/N. "OK push" said Kelsey. I push and scream. I hear another cry. "Oh you have a healthy baby boy" said Kelsey. Brad yet again cuts the cord. They take him to clean him. "I-I was having twins?" asked Y/N. "Seems so, this happens a lot, the baby boy must have been behind the baby girl, don't worry you'll both do great!" said Kelsey. They hand me Bella and my son. They leave. "So the boy name?" asked Y/N. "Ian Fabian Simpson" said Brad. I look at my son. "Ian Fabian Simpson, suit him. They open their eyes. Oh my god. They both have brown eyes and brown hair. I look at Brad. "Brad they have your hair and eyes!" smiled Y/N. Our parents walk in. "Um why is there two?" asked mom. "Well turns out I was having twins." said Y/N. "Wow!" smiled mom. "Oh I should have known" said dad. "What?" asked Y/N. "Your grandma was a twin and her twin brother was never known, till he was born, they thought they were just having a girl" said dad. "Wow. That's so cool!" smiled Y/N. They all take a turn and then finally, I feed them. Brad holds them. We put them to sleep. Brad gets in bed beside me and we fall asleep, same position. Still protective, now I have two babies not one. Wow! 

Well I'm done! And I bet ya you weren't expecting that, either was I, when  write I decide on the spot, so this was literally decided as I wrote it! 

I loved this series! Now James' one is beginning tomorrow!! I'll give a summary:

Y/N is the hair stylist of The Vamps. There are four, one for James(Y/N), and one for Connor, Tristan and Brad. So will James and Y/N fall in love or just be professional? 


Stay tuned for You Work For His Record Label!!!

Lorna Xx

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