Connor Imagine

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You find out your pregnant and you talk about having babies. You tell him:)

You wake up and get ready, today is the day you find out if your truly pregnant. You'll tell Con once your told yes. You booked an appointment for today. It'll be fine. 

You drive to the hospital and go in. "Appointment for Y/N Y/L/N" said Y/N. "I'm Lindy and just take a seat, Penny will be out shortly" said Lindy. I nod and sit down. I shake my legs. "Y/N" said Penny. I stand up and grab my bag and walk in. I lie on the table. "This might be cold, sweetie" said Penny. I nod. "OK" said Y/N. I lie back and flinch once the cream thing is put on my stomach. I smile once she shows me the baby. I smile. "Well your two months, it's quite typical some woman might go a month without knowing if their pregnant" said Penny. "Ah is there anything wrong with finding out at two months" said Y/N. "No, not really, once you don't drink every night and get drunk, then no. Your baby is healthy, so it looks good" smiled Penny. She gives me the scan pictures. I smile and leave and go home. I walk in and see Con. 

"Con can we talk about the future?" asked Y/N. Con nods and sits down. "What do you see in out future?" asked Y/N. "Marriage and kids. Oh I would love a kid. Maybe a boy, football" said Con. "Really" said Y/N. "Yeah, and a girl! She'll be my princess and you my queen! Yes! We should have a baby" said Con. "OK. I booked a meal at a restaurant for dinner"  said Y/N. "OK well I'l get ready then" said Con. I smile and do the same. I go put a dress on and you know the type of runners that are fancy, yeah them. 

We drive to TGI Fridays. Hey I'm craving a burger! We get there and get a seat and we order our food and eat it. 

We pay and go for a walk. "Con can we sit?" asked Y/N. Con nods. "We talked about kids..... I found out I'm pregnant" said Y/N. He kisses me. "I'm so happy, we're having a baby!" said Con. He kisses me, I kiss back smiling. "I love you!" said Y/N. "I love you too" said Con. 

We go home. 

At three months we tell everyone. Everyone was happy and we were happy. We got engaged and got married three months before our baby boy was born. 

When our baby boy was born we were so happy! River Parker Ball is the baby of our life.

We had a baby girl a year later, Rosa Tally Ball. 


Now Riv is 17 and Rosa 16 and their close as can be. Riv is taking an interest in YouTube and has his own channel, he has 5 million subscribers. He is in school, still. Rosa is taking after Con, she is a bassist in a band. The band is pretty famous, but we had a deal, she has to finsih school completely no matter what. That's what The Vamps did. That's what she has to do as well. 

Riv is dating Emily McVey, James' 17 year old. Rosa, much to Con's dismay, is dating Tristan's son, Oliver Evans. The bad boy, OK not really, his a sweetie to Rosa and everyone, just known as bad boy because of 3 tattoos and the fact his strong and if anyone hates on Rosa he protects her. His 16 as well. 

Anyway we have an amazing family. And we know for a fact Riv married Emily and Rosa married Oliver. We have a great life. 

Damn! I wasn't planning to write about them as teens but I felt like I should. 

I hope you all like it! I'm back in school tomorrow.

Tom Holland is bae!

Comment anything, requests:) 

Lorna Xx

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