Pregnancy series part 6

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Today is the baby shower, and it's exciting. Brad and his family organised it, it's a secret. I don't know what it looks like or who is coming. Fellas are coming, they didn't want to exclude the lads or anything. I have to pick something to wear! My dress.... I love it. "Baby! Why that dress? What if you trip and hurt the baby??" asked Brad, worried. "Babe! I won't fall! The mini Simpson inside me will be safe! I promise! I'll never, ever leave your side." said Y/N. "You better not our baby is in there and I'll horrible if something happened to you or Isabella" said Brad. "And there won't" said Y/N. I see Jesse, Brad's golden retriever walk over and lick my hand. "Hey Jesse! Your excited" smiled Y/N. "Your so good with her, she loves you more than me" mocked cried Brad. "Because I'm a girl" said Y/N.

He leads me down the stairs, making Nat hold my dress up and him holding my hands. "Brad Nat doesn't have to hold my dress up" said Y/N. "Yeah she does." said Brad. This pregnancy is showing his over protective side and I thought my dad and brother was over protective. Brad is worse. They then close my eyes once I'm on the ground floor. They bring me to a room. I open my eyes, the room is fab! "Brad it's amazing but where is everyone?" asked Y/N. "Follow the purple balloons with butterfly tails on it" smiled Brad. Nat and Brad walked behind me. I walked outside. "Oh my god! Everyone is here! Oh my god the table! It's beautiful! Thank you, Anne, Derek, Nat and Brad. Brad I love you so so much!" smiled Y/N. "I love you so so so much" smiled Brad. I kissed him. "I'm sorry for kissing you much during this pregnancy" said Y/N. "Make up for it today, baby! And Mini Simpson.... no kicking too hard to hurt mommy" warned Brad. He kisses my stomach through my dress. I giggle. Jesse comes over and we both crouch down to rub her. Such a good, understanding dog.

 Such a good, understanding dog

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I see the cake

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I see the cake. "Brad.... three layers?" asked Y/N. "Yep, my mom and dad picked it out, the company who did my parents wedding cake it, not the same person, but their daughter did! Only the best for you and our mini Simpson Bella!" smiled Brad. I kissed him. "You, my man, did an amazing job, along with Anne, Derek and Nat. And I'm sure Anne and Nat had more of an idea with the decor" said Y/N. "Yeah. I didn't know how to decide on all this stuff!" smiled Brad. I go hug them. "Thank you" smiled Y/N, slightly crying. "Your our daughter in law, your part of the family, The Simpson Fam!" smiled Derek. I smile at them. "Still you didn't have to do it" said Y/N. We just all talk till I hear my name. I turn around along with Brad. "Mom, dad?" asked Y/N. "Hi hun" said dad. "You came" said Y/N. "Yeah we did. I'm sorry I shouted that day. It's just your my only daughter and well I knew you would eventually leave, get married and have kids. I just had these months to accept it and realise you are my daughter and I want to walk you up the aisle and to be there for grandchildren. Please forgive me. Y/B/N! Get over it and stop hogging the food!" yelled dad. Y/B/N walks over. "I'm sorry. Your my only sister. I guess I was just worried for nothing" said Y/B/N. "I forgive you!" smiled Y/N. We had a family hug.

Through out the party, everyone was having fun. I was enjoying everything. When me and Brad finally got to bed, the same position as always. I kiss him goodnight and we both fall asleep.

I am ready for motherhood. My parents and brother now accept my Mini Simpson. I have Brad and I have Jesse. Also Nat, Anne and Derek! Also the lads. I feel blessed to be Brad's finance!

Well baby shower done and dusted! Took me ages but I love it! My favourite part of the pregnancy series is his one!
Who else is excited for the album?
I am! Anyway comment if your summer hols are great or boring or anything!
Oh and comment anything you want I reply
Lorna Xx

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