Brad Imagine

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FOR @ndjkckcncjck


It was a sunny morning in the town of Birmingham. Me and my best friend was just walking around, when you hear your name. "Angie! Wait!" yelled Brad. I turn around and smile. It's my boyfriend, Brad Simpson. Today's our six year anniversary. "Hey I was thinking. A date night for our anniversary?" asked Brad. "Yeah of course!" said Angie. Brad smiles. "OK stop being cute" said Haley. "Sorry Hale." said Angie. "Be ready by 6. Formal." said Brad. I nod. Haley goes home and I go home to shower, shave my legs and under arms. We have been dating for 6 years and I know we are ready for marriage. I then go pick out an outfit, I sit in front of my vanity and mirror and do my make up and hair.

 I then go pick out an outfit, I sit in front of my vanity and mirror and do my make up and hair

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My hair is loosely curled with a flower crown and light make up. My dress I LOVE. I hear a knock and I go down and answer the phone and see Brad.

 I hear a knock and I go down and answer the phone and see Brad

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"Nice, Brad" smiled Angie. "Thank you! By the way your beautiful.... stunning." smiled Brad. He took my hand and led me to his car. We drive to a fancy Italian and go in. "Reservation for Simpson" said Brad, smiling. "Of course, sir. Right this way." said the server. She leads us outside to the lake.

 She leads us outside to the lake

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"WOW! It's beautiful" said Angie. "Not as beautiful as you" smiled Brad. I blush and we sit down, of course Brad pulls my chair out. We sit and laugh at things that happened at the studio with James, Tris and Con. Soon we are eating dessert when Brad blushes and smiles. He placed something on the table. I look at him and he mouths open it. I open it and spot a beautiful sapphire blue engagement ring. I gasp and look at him. He gets up and stands me up. He takes the ring. "Angie..... ever since we met I haven't stopped loving you, it's been  6 years.... you've been there even when The Vamps just started and I know we had our ups and downs but we pulled through to get to this day, I will always love you and forever be in love with you. Will you do the honours of being Mrs Simpson?" asked Brad. "Yes!" yelled and cried Angie. He placed the ring on your ring finger and he stood up and kissed you. Tristan, Con and James run out screaming congrats while Natalie and Brad's parents hug you.

You both got married and had kids. And The Vamps stayed together and everyone is now married and has kids. 

I hope you liked it! I loved writing this!

So I am starting The Tide Preferences and Imagines....... TONIGHT!:) SPREAD THE WORD TO EVERYONE!

Lorna Hayes

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now