Your Joe's daughter

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Having Joe as your dad is great apart from the fact your dating Brad. Your dad is not that strict but he did have a rule: NO DATING MY DAUGHTER A.K.A me! I love my dad but I love Brad so we keep it a secret till I find out I'm pregnant and that's when I know my dad has to know. My dad loves me and my mom, Laura. He loves The Vamps. So hopefully he'll realise that me and Brad love each other and are mature enough to raise a baby. "Honey Brad is here. For dinner you invited him?" Asked dad. "Well yeah I have something to tell you and mom" said Y/N. Dad nods. I'm not nervous.... yeah I am. We go down stairs to meet mom and Brad for dinner and my little brother, Daniel . His 16.  Anyway I'm standing there. We sit down, me beside Brad, Dan across from me and then Mom and dad at the high table. I look at Brad and smile. We are our food. "Mom..... dad I... Well me and Brad have something to say..... we're dating and I am  pregnant with Brad's baby" smiled Y/N. "What?" Asked dad. "Yeah" said Y/N. "At least it's Brad and not a man I never would like." Said dad.
We had a baby boy, Sam Nate Simpson. We got married two years later and it was a perfect day for us.
Joe, your dad knows your dating James but doesn't know you got engaged or got married in secret. Not that big of a deal to us but to dad? Oh his gonna kill me. We got married in James hometown and I was really happy! So we are telling my parents today and showing them pictures. We walk in and see mom and dad sitting there. "Mom, dad we have news" said Y/N. "What?" Asked dad. "Oh we got married" said Y/N. "What!?" Said dad. "I- we just thought it would be easier and it was and I'm sorry we have a video of everything and pictures" said Y/N. We show them. "Wow thanks" said dad.

 "Wow thanks" said dad

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We had three kids. Felix, Eva and Evangeline McVey. We had a happy life.
Your Joes daughter and he loves you and he loves Con and everything about you two. He actually shipped you before the fans did, no wonder where the fans learned of us.... through my dad. I never minded though. I really do love Con. Everyone loves us. What I don't know is that Con and dad have plans.
It's a Friday night and I get ready:

Me and Con go to my house, where we first met

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Me and Con go to my house, where we first met. We go back to the back garden and then finally we sit down and relax till he got on one knee. "Your dad introduced us and I fell for you then and I still love you now as I thought I thought I would. So will you marry me?" Asked Con. "Yes!" yelled Y/N. dad jumped out jumping up and down and I just laugh.
Our wedding day was amazing and had a baby girl, Louisa Zoe Ball.
I am perfectly happy secretly dating Tris and yeah we are hiding. Your dad had a rule and he will NOT allow it. Which is hard for you, you can't run away from your home one Tris is in the band so running away isn't an option. Your dad is out with Mom for a date day and night, so Tris is coming over to spend time with me and I am quite happy with life right now, my very sexy boyfriend. He comes over and we spend time with him. We have dinner and watch tv. We start kissing and we'll leading to something. We didn't hear Mom and dad walk in. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KISSING MY DAUGHTER TRISTAN EVANS!" Yelled dad. We pulled apart. I gulp. So does Tris. "I-I am dating her for two years. I um I love her" smiled Tris. "I love you too" smiled Y/N. "Your ugh! I'm going to bed!" Said dad. Oops.
In the end he came around and well yeah we had two kids Haley and Hayden.

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