Your best friend hates him!

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You and Tristan have been dating for 3 months now and his meeting your best friend for the first time ever. Tris is nervous and your best friend doesn't care.

You go down once Tris texts his outside, his early, something that Y/B/F/N isn't. She's always late. "Hey baby" smiled Y/N. "Hi baby girl" said Tris. He kisses my cheek and smiles. "Y/B/F/N here yet?" asked Tris. "Your early" said Y/N. "Ah cool I thought I was late" said Tris. "When you ever late for me?" asked Y/N. "Never" said Tris. We sit on my couch and talk. The front door opens and Y/B/F/N walk in and sits across from us, too bad we don't notice, we're to deep in the conversation. "No! In America you literally wore red jeans everyday, different pairs!" laughed Y/N. "I did that cause you said you loved red on me!" laughed Tris. "Dude! Just cause I say that I don't mean wear red jeans everyday! I got sick of it!" said Y/N. 

"Um Y/N. I just arrived" said Y/B/F/N. "Oh hi! Sorry we're talking about America!" said Y/N. "Yeah your never here" said Y/B/F/N. "Yeah because I travel. I do work as a hairstylist. Which Tris managed to get me a job as his" said Y/N. "Since when?" asked Y/B/F/N. "Our second anniversary. He wanted to spend time with me, and I said yes, I had a crap job" said Y/N. "Yeah with me in Marks and Spencers" said Y/B/F/N. "I know but I went to college for hair, not marketing or shit" said Y/N. Y/B/F/N nods. "So Tris why do you like Y/N?" asked Y/B/F/N. "Well she's incredibly smart, beautiful, kind, and my type" smiled Tris. "Right. What's her favourite colour?" asked Y/B/F/N. "Black, red, white, and blue and also green and a little bit of purple" said Tris. "Y/B/F/N stop asking him stupid questions!" said Y/N. "I have to make sure" said Y/B/F/N. "I know! But he knows everything, we travelled to America and Europe before together!" said Y/N. "Oh and never travel with me" said Y/B/F/N. "Because you never wanted to travel! You were happy going to Brighton for 1 week! I was but Tris helped me get out of my fear of flying!" said Y/N. "I know! That's why I never travelled!" said Y/B/F/N. "You never thought to just book me a ticket and made me go? Tris invited me to Europe and America and I knew I'd miss him so I said yes! Seriously grow up!" said Y/N. "Tristan what comes first the band or Y/N?" asked Y/B/F/N. "Y/B/F/N! Don't you dare!" said Y/N. "It does matter!" said Y/B/F/N. "Y/N comes first. The band as well. They share the first. I love Y/N. She comes with me, I don't leave her. I ove her!" said Tris. "I love you too! Y/B/F/N you can't ask who comes first, the band is his life and so am I. My job and Tris come first! That's how it should be. When we have kids they will also be first!" said Y/N. 

"I'm going to the bathroom" said Tris. He goes to the toilet. "I hate him" said Y/B/F/N. "You date people I never liked but I never told you because I knew how much you liked them! Don't come into my house and tell me. You didn't take a chance to know him. I love him. Get out" said Y/N. "Fine!!" said Y/B/F/N. She left. "I'm sorry" said Tris. "It's not your fault" said Y/N. 

We have dinner and go to bed.


Lorna Xx

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