His your brothers best friend Brad:)

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Your brother, James is protective over you, even though your 21. You met his band mates and instantly fell in love with Brad. You know Jame will not allow you to date him or marry him or have kids with him. 

"Y/N the lads are here" said James. "I know! I just getting food" said Y/N. "OK" said James. I walk out and see Brad, Tris and Con standing there and James sitting. "Hi lads" smiled Y/N. "Hi Y/N me, Tris and Con are going to the shop to get food. Brad is staying, his tired!" said James. 

They left and I smile. I go to my room and lie on my bed. "Hey can I sit in here, while waiting for them to come back?" asked Brad. "Yeah of course, you can either lie down, sit on a chair, bean bag or floor" said Y/N. "Oh um I'll sit on the chair, in case James walks in and sees me um lying down" said Brad. "Yeah I know, his way too over protective" smiled Y/N. He smiles. "So um how's university?" asked Brad. "Good! I finish in two days and then Joe asked me if I wanna work for you guys! I said yes" smiled Y/N. "Your studying for hair" said Brad. "Yeah I'll be your hairstylist just don't be demanding" said Y/N. I smile, and blush. "Well I won't you brush your hands through it, I'll be happy" said Brad. "Well that's good to know" said Y/N. "Anyway any boyfriends?" asked Brad. "Nope. I like someone but his off limits" said Y/N. Brad comes and lies beside me. "I like someone too." said Brad. "Who?" asked Y/N. "I'll tell you if you tell me" said Brad. I look down. "OK" said Y/N. We both say at the same time. "I like you" said Y/N and Brad. We look at each other. "Wow! I just um James" said Y/N. "He doesn't have to know until we find out if we're good together" said Brad. I nod and smile. We look at each other and smile. We lean in and kiss. I feel everything your meant to. 

The front door bangs open. We jump apart. We run downstairs. "Hey I was on the toilet!" said Brad. "I was on my bed!" said Y/N. "Brad..... I don't want to hear your toilet truths" said James. Brad nods. I go sit down. "Did you buy food?" asked Y/N. "Yeah of course!" said James. I take out the gummy worms. Yummy. 

We have a really chilled day and night, and order Thai. Soon we all go to bed. I fall asleep! Dreaming of me and Brad. 

Brad is dreaming of him and Y/N.;)


Lorna Xx

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