James Imagine

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I first met James at his concert and it was embarrassing, I fainted and the security bought me backstage to lie down. James came over after the concert and offered to take me home. Four years later we are here on our wedding day and it's exciting! Me and my mom and bridesmaids have been up since 6! Sophie is my maid of honour, she is James' little sister and plus she is like my sister! I have my hair and make up done. My dress going on now. My dress was hard to pick out at the day I was looking. In the end the one I picked was something that looked similar to my moms but modernised. Sophie was the one I turned to all the time. She was a really good friend and plus she is a sister I never had.


We get there like 10 mins late, no big deal. We get ready and everyone goes down. It's my turn. Me and my dad walk down the aisle. I smile to myself. James looks down at me and smiles with tears in his eyes. We finally make it, I kiss my dad on the cheek and smile to him. James takes my hands and smiles at me. Soon it gets to the vows. "When we first met you fainted and I bought you home.... ever since then we have been so in love and inseparable. I love you and I want to stay in love with you for my whole life" smiled James. I smile at him. "When we met I was bloody nervous but you calmed them straight away. I will always love to the day we die and I hope we stay together forever!" Smiled Y/n. Soon we swap rings and have our first kiss as husband and wife. I smile. Who knew after fainting could lead to an amazing husband!
The reception was great!

Nine months after the wedding, we welcomed a baby boy, Daniel Joseph McVey, he looks so much like James, his blue eyes and my hair. I'm happy with that. Me and James never could have imagined that our baby boy would be the love of our life!

If you want to date a band member maybe don't faint in front of them or they drive you home!

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