Your Shawn Mendes Sister Connor P.1

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The meeting. @Thevampsromania

Your brother Shawn Mendes still lives in Canada. I'm 21 and live in London, which Shawn at first hated because I was far away. Shawn has a few weeks off from his European tour, so his spending time here, with me.

"Y/N, your meeting Connor Ball today, he called me up and wants to hang, so your coming as well" said Shawn. I nod. We have toast. We get in my car and drive to Hyde park. We go to the middle and see Connor. We walk over. "Shawn! My man! This is your sister?" asked Con. "Yeah my older sister" said Shawn. "Hi, I'm Connor Ball" smiled Con. "Y/N Mendes. Your in The Vamps, I love your music" smiled Y/N. "Thank you. So um wanna all go to um Harry Potter Warner Bros studio for a tour? I kinda booked it" said Con. "HELL YEAH" yelled Y/N and Shawn. "You like Harry Potter, Y/N?" asked Con. "Yup. That's how me and Shawn connected, we read them together" said Y/N. "That's cool, you got close by him!" said Con. Me and Con walk ahead and talk. We get in my car and we drive to the Warner Bros Studios. We go give in the tickets and go on through and get into our group. We walk around and look at everything. "I actually can't believe what I'm seeing" smiled Y/N. "Same sis, same" smiled Shawn. I smile at him. "So Con what's it like in a band?" asked Y/N. "Great! You have friends and fun. Also the tour bus always has fun shit happening" smiled Con. "Ah cool! I went on Shawn's tour this year for just UK stops and Dublin and he just got a small bus, because he stayed in hotels" smiled Y/N. "Ah he doesn't know how, I must teach him the tricks!" smiled Con. "Yeah like don't poo on it!" said Y/N. "Y/N!!" said Shawn. "It's true! You shitted on a bus toilet like ew!" said Y/N. Con just laughs. He looks beautiful laughing. Soon it's over and we leave. We go to Jamie Oliver's. We get a table and sit down. "Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Con. "No, haven't had one in a year my last one broke up with me for his best friend, who was a model. So Shawn nearly killed him." said Y/N. "He hurt you, your my big sis!" said Shawn. "Dude you were 17! He was terrified!" laughed Y/N.

We go to the park again and play some football. "Your good" said Con. "Yeah, I am, not from Shawn though, he loves ice hockey. I love football" said Y/N. Con smiles. "I'll go get ice pops!" smiled Shawn. He walks off. "Here's my number" said Con. "OK thank you! Here's mine!" smiled Y/N. I kiss his cheek. Shawn walks back and hands me and Con our ice pops. "So what now?" asked Shawn. "Oh James, Brad and Tris wanna meet you and I told them about Y/N so their dying to meet her" smiled Con. We nod. We drive to Con's house. "They have a key?" asked Shawn. "Yeah we decided to give spare keys to all of us" said Con. "That's a cool idea" said Y/N.

We soon get there and we go in. "Shawn! You must be Y/N! I'm James" said James. "Brad Simpson" smiled Brad. "Tristan and my girlfriend Anastasia" said Tris. "Hey, I'm Y/N Mendes" said Y/N. We all relax and order pizza.

"Y/N how do you and Shawn look so alike!" said Ana. "No idea, I y/c/e and y/c/h I think it's the face shape and height and also smile" smiled Y/N. "That is true!" smiled Ana.

At 10 me and Shawn go home. We didn't realise we live 5 minutes away from him, damn. We go to bed and I fall straight to bed.

PART 1! If you want a request comment or message me on Wattpad!

Lorna Xx

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