He has a child from a previous relationship

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5 Months later

I wake up next to Brad. Me and Brad moved into together three weeks ago. It was fun. Maria loves me and I love her. 

Today I'm meeting Brad's family. I get ready for a casual family dinner, barbecue with his mom, dad and Natalie, his sister. "Babe, your outfit is amazing! Now come on!" said Brad. I smile to myself. We get in the car. "Daddy why does Y/N love me more then my mommy?" asked Maria. "I don't know, sweetie!" said Brad. "I love Y/N..... Can I call her mommy?" asked Maria. "Y/N?" asked Brad. "Of course, princess" said Y/N. We get there and there are four cars there. Brad's face goes white. "Her um m.... is there!" said Brad. I look at him. "Oh I'm there for you two" said Y/N. Brad nods. We go in. "Mommy? Who she?" asked Maria. "Honey that's the mommy that left" said Brad. "Oh I don't like her. She looks fake!" said Maria. Brad laughs. "Bradley!" said the girl. "Jasmine" said Brad. I look down. "Mommy I don't like her" said Maria. "I know..... you'll be fine" said Y/N. "Who's she?" asked Jasmine. "My girlfriend, Y/N." smiled Brad. "Oh I cam back for you and Mary" said Jasmine. "Maria" said Brad. "Mommy daddy why does Jasman smell of loads of ugly perfume?" asked Maria. I shut my mouth cause I feel a laugh coming on. "You don't speak to your mommy like this!" said Jasmine. "What.... why you don't boss me around" said Maria. Slay! I laugh. "You shut up" said Jasmine. "Jasmine get out" said Brad and Natalie. "Bye" said Jasmine. Brad's jaw is clenched. I go over and put my hand on his arm, that isn't covered by his top. "Brad calm down, You'll scare Maria" said Y/N. "I-I know! It's just she is a bitch!" said Brad. I kiss his cheek. "Daddy calm down" said Maria. "I am sweetie!" smiled brad. "Hi I'm Anne, and this is my husband Derek and my daughter Natalie" said Anne. "I'm Y/N" said Y/N. "Hi!" smiled Anne. I smile. 

We have a dinner and sit on the sofa and talk. I enjoyed my night. We go home and put Maria to bed and well we have some fun. 

We fall asleep in each others arms. 

I love the new album:)

Lorna Xx

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