Your best friend hates him final part

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You try to get your best friend to like

You wake up to Tris kissing your neck. "Morning" said Y/N. I kiss him and get up to get dressed. I go cook breakfast and serve it to Tris! He walks down dressed. I smile to myself. "Enjoy. So today Y/B/F/N is coming over.... I am going to try to get her to like you" said Y/N. "You don't have too. I just.... you both are best friends and I just know how much you care for her." said Tris. I kiss him. "She might be my best friend.... but will I marry her? No" said Y/N. "I guess but your best friends!" said Tris. "I have other's, like Sophie" said Y/N. "Oh she's 16" said Tris. "I know" said Y/N. "I don't mean it in a bad way, just I want you to be able to have more then just Soph" said Tris. "I do, you, the lads, Dea, Joe, bodyguards, Sophie, James your brother, Milly and that's all I need!" smiled Y/N. He kisses me. 

Soon Y/B/F/N comes over. I smile at her, she frowns. "Come in, Tris made lunch" said Y/N. "Oh his here?" asked Y/B/F/N. "Uh yeah, he wanted to have a redo" said Y/N. "Yeah I don't care" said Y/B/F/N. "You do realise I have other friends, not just you. You just have me. So you either accept Tris or you may leave and never, ever speak to me again!" said Y/N. "I can't accept it!" said Y/B/F/N. "Get out" snarled Y/N. "Fine by me!" said Y/B/F/N. She stormed out. 

I go sit by Tris. "I hate her!" said Y/N. "Baby girl! I love you and if she truly cares for you, she'll come back." said Tris.  I kiss him and soon we are making love on the sofa. We don't hear Y/B/F/N walk in. "Y/N I'll give....." said Y/B/F/N. We look to the door. "Really?" asked Y/N. "Yeah but get dressed" said Y/B/F/N, laughing.

Soon Tris and Y/B/F/N are great friends. 

You and Tris get married and have two kids.

Sorry Tris's is so short only 2 parts but my ideas were running out! I'm sorry! I'll be doing another one soon. 

Lorna Xx

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