Connor Imagine

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Your a witch

One thing Con does not know about me is the fact that I'm a witch. My family have a rule no telling no magic people what we are. I want to tell Con, because of the fact I am 3 months pregnant and the baby will be a witch or wizard. My family told me I can tell him but what if he runs away? I dunno.

"Hey baby you ready?" Asked Con. "Yeah! It's been good but let's go" said Y/n. We get in the car and drive to the house. "Wow it's a huge house" said Con. "Oh yeah you'll find out why soon" smiled Y/n. We go and knock. Dad opens the door and I smile and hug him. We go in and see mom, and my brother and sister, Lucas and Lucia.

"So we'll have dinner then we will talk to Con about us" said mom. I nod and we have a huge meal. "Wow this is like Hogwarts food!" said Con. I laugh and so does everyone. I just look at Con and kiss him.

After dinner we sit Con down. "So Con you have probably noticed weird stuff about me I'm a witch. And before you say oh their not real watch this...... Wicoo Sa TOKIO Kal" said Y/n. Soon the seat he is sitting on is a horse. He looks at me. I change the seat back. I smile to myself. He comes to hug me. "I love you" said Con. I kiss him. "So I'm basically a Hermione" said Y/n.

Nine months later our baby girl, Giovanna Luisa BALL.

And Con is bloody happy I'm a witch and so is Gi.

Another one now:)

Lorna Xx

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now