His a criminal (remake)

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Your boyfriend is a robber but he very nearly got arrested until his friend who was the one behind it and Con was just helping. So his mate got the jail time, Con got a warning. Your happy, his not in jail or anything, just a warning. We have a three year old and me being at home with her, Lola. Con is now in a band and having a good time. He made great friends and I'm happy, to be honest. "Hey baby can you come here." said Con. You go in. Your jaw drops down.

He leads me to the middle

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He leads me to the middle. "You stuck with me through thick and thin.... with my warning, my tours with The Vamps, and with our daughter Lola and that is why I want to ask.... Will you marry your criminal and band man?" asked Con. "Yes!" you said. You kissed.

You got married up in Scotland and had a very happy day. You had a baby boy, Tom. You and Con are the perfect couple. People are normally jealous, ya know. 


Your just a girl in college and Tris was the typical bad boy/criminal. He assaults people. I don't really know him and I can't judge him. Anyway I have to tutor Tristan in History. I go to his dorm. I knock and he answers it, topless. "Come in" said Tris. I go in. I stare at his chest and stomach. Wow.... his toned a little and looks fit. "You done checking me out" said Tris, smirking. "Uh yeah" you said. We get on with the work. "I just want to say thanks for not judging me, I had a tough life in childhood" said Tris. "Hey it's fine, your nice and cool and hot and I like-------" you said. "You like me and I like you" smiled Tris. We both kissed and I feel sparks and stuff. Definitely want to do this more. "Hey wanna go on a date?" asked Tris. "Yes" you smiled. 

We stayed together, now it did take time to help him past fighting people but we managed, we got married three years later and had three kids. He loves them and he doesn't want to mess up which you know he won't, his a softie at heart. 

Done! YAY! Thank god!

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