You work for your record label part 5

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He asks you to be his girlfriend Get caught by Brad

It's early and it's the London show. Your going down to the kitchen area and have cereal. James walks in. "Meet me at the dressing room, usual time to do my hair. Have to ask you something" said James. I smile and nod. I go out for a walk.

At 3 I go to the dressing room, I knock. "Come in" said James. I go in and see James topless. "Shit! Sorry! I was just um changing to um make myself look good for the concert." blushed James. "Or was it for me?" asked Y/n. James blushes. I look down smiling. "Anyway I wanted to ask if you'll be my girlfriend?" asked James. "Yes!" smiled Y/N. We kissed. "Now James sit down. Hair time. I know we are dating but work for me is number one for this tour, then a break and we can spend ages together" smiled Y/N. "Your right, Y/N" smiled James. I do his hair. Afterwards we go out and watch Taken perform. We smile. Soon they so on and I stand on James' side of the room. I just smile to myself. James keeps looking at me. 

After the show we go to the bus. "We're going clubbing, day off tomorrow" smiled Brad. We nod. "We're  going to stay, I'm tired after performing" smiled James. "I'm tired after doing his hair, he demands the simplest hairstyles but keeps moving" said Y/N. "Damn" said Brad. They all leave. I just smile. We change and relax. 

We look at each other. "I really do like you" said James. "I really like you too" smiled Y/N. We kiss. We don't realise Brad walking in. "James? Y/N? I KNEW IT CON AND TRIS OWE ME £20!" yelled Brad. We broke apart. "Oh you had a bet?" asked James. "Yeah the way you look at each other" smiled Brad. "Don't tell Joe, Richard or the crew! They'll probably fire her!" said James. "I won't, she's cool" said Brad. "Thanks what you doing back?" asked Y/N. "Oh I got tired, I came back. I have to tell Con and Tris!" said Brad. We nod. 

They walk in, Con and Tris. "Guys sit down. Brad watch the door" said James. Brad goes to the door. "Guys me and Y/N are dating and you all owe Brad money. Don't tell Joe, Richard or the crew." said James. "We won't but damn!" said Con. 

We all go to bed. Thank god they understand!

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