Connor Imagine

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You go on a double date with James and Kirstie

James texted you and Con about a double date tonight, which you both agreed to. Since you and Kirstie are best friends! You all wanted a relaxing date, so the arcaded and Nando's, even though James doesn't eat meat, he wants to go.

For the whole day we just relaxed and begun getting ready for the double date. 


We get in the taxi and drive to the arcade and go in and spot James and Kirstie. We walk over and get the bowling alley. We start the game and start the game, in teams, me and Con and James and Kirstie. I smile to myself when we win. 

We then go to Nando's and have our dinner. 

DATE 2: 

The next night we decide to go to the arcade and play the games. We stand beside each other and talk. "So you and Con are going great I see" said Kirstie. "Yeah, his amazing. I love him. He gets me" said Y/N. "He loves you too, so much. All James ever tells me, is how much Con loves you." said Kirstie. "James is the same. God his a lovesick puppy most of the time." said Y/N. "Ah well I knew that already" smiled Kirstie. I smiled back and we go for dinner in Jamie's Italian.

Date 3:

We go to the beach and swim around. Me and Con are talking and just having a laugh while James and Kirstie is sunbathing. I kiss him. "I love you" said Y/N. "I love you too" said Con. "I wish we could do double dates for the rest of our life, maybe add Tristan and Anastasia" said Y/N. "Yeah, you all have a great time" said Con. I kiss him again.

Date 4: 

This time, Anastasia and Tristan join us, we go for a picnic this time. We play Frisbee. We then have some lunch, which includes sandwiches and fizzy drinks.We then go to Bills for dinner. I smile to myself. I love my life. 

Sorry it's short! It's been fun! It was a really good story! 

Comment whatever you want

Lorna Xx 

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