Studying and interupted connor part 2

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You pack up some clothes and stuff and went to your friends house. You just sit there. "Come on let's go out" said Rosie. "I can't I'm pregnant" said Y/n. "Does Con know?" Asked Rosie. "No I... we had a fight and we'll he left." Said Y/n.
Month later Con's POV
I am coming home and not excited to see the present what if it's a break up? I go in see a box and a letter. I open the box and see a pregnancy test and I read the letter.
Dear Con
There was reasons why I was so cranky I was having mood swings. I knew you were going on tour so I decided not to tell you to after but in a bigger special way but failed to do so this will do. I understand you might want to break up but I don't want to. I'm sorry. I love you. See ya whenever. If you want to see the ultrasound come tomorrow at 2 at the St Paul's hospital.
Love Y/N x
I feel like a dick now. I should have asked or wondered why she was like that. I'm such a dick. I go have dinner and go out buying loads of stuff for her and the baby. Neutral colours. I go home and go to Twitter.
ConBall: My lovely girlfriend is pregnant with my baby! I love you Y/N!
I go to bed.
Next day
I wake up and get ready and put the stuff in the car and drive to the hospital. I see her and run up to her. I kiss her. "I love you so much!" Smiled Con. "I love you too" said Y/n. We go see our baby and go home and I give her the stuff. She's happy. We go to bed.

Well I loved that😀

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